更新日誌 |
* Bugfix CORE-1318 Error "Identifier ... is too long using multiple (nested) derived tables Contributor(s): Alex Peshkov <peshkoff at mail.ru> Adriano dos Santos Fernandes <adrianosf at uol.com.br>
* Bugfix CORE-1315 Data type unknown Contributor(s): Adriano dos Santos Fernandes <adrianosf at uol.com.br> Vlad Horsun <hvlad at users.sourceforge.net>
* Bugfix CORE-1306 Indices not used for views Contributor(s): Adriano dos Santos Fernandes <adrianosf at uol.com.br>
* Bugfix CORE-1303 Infinite loop in SS remote listener Contributor(s): Vlad Horsun <hvlad at users.sourceforge.net>
* Bugfix CORE-1300 Lower level index pages is missed from parent page Contributor(s): Vlad Horsun <hvlad at users.sourceforge.net>
* Bugfix CORE-1299 Wrong index entries order at non-leaf b-tree pages Contributor(s): Vlad Horsun <hvlad at users.sourceforge.net>
* Bugfix CORE-1298 BTRgarbage_collect code can make a deadlock in a page cache Contributor(s): Vlad Horsun <hvlad at users.sourceforge.net>
* Bugfix CORE-1292 Can't create table using long username and UTF8 as attachment charset Contributor(s): Adriano dos Santos Fernandes <adrianosf at uol.com.br>
* Bugfix CORE-1291 Can't transliterate character set when look at procedure text in database just created from script (and thus in ODS 11.1) Contributor(s): Vlad Horsun <hvlad at users.sourceforge.net> * Bugfix CORE-1286 Bug with COMPUTED BY fields Contributor(s): Adriano dos Santos Fernandes <adrianosf at uol.com.br>
* Bugfix CORE-1276 Sometime INET error reported as 0 in firebird.log instead of real error code Contributor(s): Vlad Horsun <hvlad at users.sourceforge.net> * Bugfix CORE-1271 Creation of invalid procedures/triggers allowed Contributor(s): Adriano dos Santos Fernandes <adrianosf at uol.com.br>
* Bugfix CORE-1267 Small bug with default value for domains in PSQL Contributor(s): Adriano dos Santos Fernandes <adrianosf at uol.com.br>
* Bugfix CORE-1256 Table columns hide destination variables of RETURNING INTO Contributor(s): Adriano dos Santos Fernandes <adrianosf at uol.com.br>
* Bugfix CORE-1253 LIST(DISTINCT) concatenate VARCHAR values as CHAR Contributor(s): Adriano dos Santos Fernandes <adrianosf at uol.com.br>
* Bugfix CORE-1249 Full shutdown mode doesn't work on Classic if there are other connections to the database Contributor(s): Dmitry Yemanov <dimitr at firebirdsql.org>
* Bugfix CORE-1248 Incorrect timestamp arithmetics when one of the operands is negative number Contributor(s): Vlad Horsun <hvlad at users.sourceforge.net>
* Bugfix CORE-1244 Server crash on "select * from <recursive CTE>" Contributor(s): Adriano dos Santos Fernandes <adrianosf at uol.com.br> Vlad Horsun <hvlad at users.sourceforge.net>
* Bugfix CORE-1240 Any task, using libfbclient, hangs on exit (Darwin PPC) Contributor(s): Alex Peshkov <peshkoff at mail.ru>
* Bugfix CORE-1237 GBAK does not create backup in service_mgr mode if there is no space on disk, no error reported Contributor(s): Alex Peshkov <peshkoff at mail.ru>
* Bugfix CORE-1228 Database often became corrupted after an out of disk space condition Contributor(s): Vlad Horsun <hvlad at users.sourceforge.net>
* Bugfix CORE-1227 LIST() function seems not work if used twice or more in a query Contributor(s): Adriano dos Santos Fernandes <adrianosf at uol.com.br>
* Bugfix CORE-1223 Wrong message in firebird.log on Open SuSe Linux 10.2 : Open file limit increased from 1024 to 0 Contributor(s): Vlad Horsun <hvlad at users.sourceforge.net>
* Bugfix CORE-1218 isc_dsql_info(isc_info_sql_stmt_type) doesn't set isc_info_end at the end of the passed user's buffer Contributor(s): Vlad Horsun <hvlad at users.sourceforge.net>
* Bugfix CORE-1215 Wrong SELECT query results using index to evaluate >= condition Contributor(s): Vlad Horsun <hvlad at users.sourceforge.net>
* Bugfix CORE-1207 FB embedded requires extra OS privileges Contributor(s): Vlad Horsun <hvlad at users.sourceforge.net>
* Bugfix CORE-1205 v2.1 GBAK crashes the v2.0.x server when attempting to backup a database Contributor(s): Dmitry Yemanov <dimitr at firebirdsql.org> Claudio Valderrama <cvalde at usa.net>
* Bugfix CORE-1196 Long SQL statements break TCP/IP connection Contributor(s): Vlad Horsun <hvlad at users.sourceforge.net> Alex Peshkov <peshkoff at mail.ru> Dmitry Yemanov <dimitr at firebirdsql.org>
* Bugfix CORE-1183 View cannot be created if its WHERE clause contains IN <subquery> with a procedure reference Contributor(s): Dmitry Yemanov <dimitr at firebirdsql.org>
* Bugfix CORE-1175 Error "Data type unknown" when any UDF argument is a built-in function containing a DSQL parameter reference Contributor(s): Dmitry Yemanov <dimitr at firebirdsql.org>
* Bugfix CORE-1174 GBAK restores NULL rdb$description in rdb$functions as blob (0, 0) Contributor(s): Claudio Valderrama <cvalde at usa.net>
* Bugfix CORE-1167 CHARACTER SET GBK is not installed Contributor(s): Adriano dos Santos Fernandes <adrianosf at uol.com.br>
* Bugfix CORE-1165 WHEN <list of exceptions> tracks only the dependency on the first exception in PSQL Contributor(s): Claudio Valderrama <cvalde at usa.net>
* Bugfix CORE-1162 Problem altering numeric field type Contributor(s): Claudio Valderrama <cvalde at usa.net>
* Bugfix CORE-1153 Activating index change "STARTING" working as "LIKE" in join condition Contributor(s): Adriano dos Santos Fernandes <adrianosf at uol.com.br>
* Bugfix CORE-1151 Error "database file not available" when running NBackup Contributor(s): Nickolay Samofatov <skidder at users.sourceforge.net>
* Bugfix CORE-981 x86_64 RPM package missing "provides" Contributor(s): Alex Peshkov <peshkoff at mail.ru>
* Bugfix CORE-949 Restore with UDF in 'COMPUTED BY' fields fails Contributor(s): Dimitry Sibiryakov <sd at ibphoenix.com>
* Bugfix CORE-885 It is impossible to take away rights on update of a column Contributor(s): Alex Peshkov <peshkoff at mail.ru>
* Bugfix CORE-856 Unable to set FName, MName, LName fields in the security database to blank Contributor(s): Alex Peshkov <peshkoff at mail.ru>
* Bugfix CORE-703 Using DEL-Key in isql under Linux gives "~" Contributor(s): Alex Peshkov <peshkoff at mail.ru>
* Bugfix CORE-132 Restore fails on external table Contributor(s): Vlad Horsun <hvlad at users.sourceforge.net>
* Bugfix CORE-107 Instance of fb_lock_mgr runs after build Contributor(s): Alex Peshkov <peshkoff at mail.ru>
* Improvement CORE-1280 Verify well-formedness of text blobs Contributor(s): Adriano dos Santos Fernandes <adrianosf at uol.com.br>
* Improvement CORE-1277 Automatic transliteration of text blobs Contributor(s): Adriano dos Santos Fernandes <adrianosf at uol.com.br>
* Improvement CORE-1232 Wrong behaviour of services manager during backup/restore operations Contributor(s): Alex Peshkov <peshkoff at mail.ru>
* Improvement CORE-1229 Allocate disk space by more than one page at a time Contributor(s): Vlad Horsun <hvlad at users.sourceforge.net>
* Improvement CORE-1226 Allow RETURNING in INSERT...SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE See also: /doc/README.returning Contributor(s): Adriano dos Santos Fernandes <adrianosf at uol.com.br>
* Improvement CORE-1213 CURRENT OF is now allowed for views Contributor(s): Dmitry Yemanov <dimitr at firebirdsql.org>
* Improvement CORE-1179 "CH" and "LL" are not separate spanish alphabet letters since 1994 Contributor(s): Adriano dos Santos Fernandes <adrianosf at uol.com.br>
* Improvement CORE-1178 Standarize ES_ES_CI_AI collation Contributor(s): Adriano dos Santos Fernandes <adrianosf at uol.com.br>
* Improvement CORE-1170 Conversion of DDL source from client charset to metadata charset Contributor(s): Adriano dos Santos Fernandes <adrianosf at uol.com.br>
* Improvement CORE-1169 Conversion of temporary blobs to the destination blob type when materializing Contributor(s): Adriano dos Santos Fernandes <adrianosf at uol.com.br>
* Improvement CORE-961 Free external tables as soon as they're no longer in use by user requests Contributor(s): Vlad Horsun <hvlad at users.sourceforge.net>
* Improvement CORE-867 GBAK should change param0 to not show username/password in ps axf Contributor(s): Alex Peshkov <peshkoff at mail.ru>
* Improvement CORE-787 Optionally disable non-SYSDBA use of Services API Contributor(s): Alex Peshkov <peshkoff at mail.ru>
* Feature CORE-1235 NATURAL JOIN and JOIN...USING See also: /doc/README.joins.txt Contributor(s): Adriano dos Santos Fernandes <adrianosf at uol.com.br>
* Added a wide set of new built-in functions ABS, ACOS, ASCII_CHAR, ASCII_VAL, ASIN, ATAN, ATAN2, BIN_AND, BIN_OR, BIN_SHL, BIN_SHR, BIN_XOR, CEIL, COS, COSH, COT, DATEADD, DATEDIFF, DECODE, EXP, FLOOR, GEN_UUID, HASH, LEFT, LN, LOG, LOG10, LPAD, MAXVALUE, MINVALUE, MOD, OVERLAY, PI, POSITION, POWER, RAND, REPLACE, REVERSE, RIGHT, ROUND, RPAD, SIGN, SIN, SINH, SQRT, TAN, TANH, TRUNC See also: /doc/README.builtin_functions.txt Contributor(s): Adriano dos Santos Fernandes <adrianosf at uol.com.br> Oleg Loa <loa at mail.ru> Alexey Karyakin <aleksey.karyakin at mail.ru> |