![Icecream Ebook Reader](https://software.easylife.tw/sfimages/3566__icecream_ebook_reader_icon.png)
Icecream Ebook Reader allows users to add multiple books to the application to create a personalized library. Users can mark books as Favourites and remove books from the library. Each book has a reading progress percentage along with the data when it was added.
- Users can search for book titles and authors in the library and search for certain text and numbers of pages in each book.
- You can add personal bookmarks to a book and you can access each book's content too.
- There are 3 reading modes for various lighting: day, night and sepia.
- Fullscreen mode makes reading more comfortable so you can sit back, relax and enjoy your book.
The application supports epub, mobi, fb2, pdf, cbz and cbr formats.
軟體資訊 | |
檔案版本 | Ebook Reader 2.1 |
檔案名稱 |
檔案大小 | 17.91MB |
系統 | Windows (All Versions) |
支援語系 | Multiple languages |
軟體類型 | 免費軟體 |
更新日期 | 2015-10-05 |
更新日誌 | - Open contents crash fixed |
作者 | icecream apps |
官網 |