Java Runtime Environment (64-bit)

Java Runtime Environment 64-bit

Java 軟件允許您運行稱為“小程序”的應用程序,這些小程序都 Java 編程語言編寫。這些小程序讓您可以獲得比與靜態 HTML 頁麵交互更豐富的在線體驗。

Java 組件技術,作為Java 2 運行時環境的一部分,標準版 (JRE),確立了流行的瀏覽器和 Java 平台之間聯係。Java 允許應用程序的下載和運行都在一個安全的沙箱內。不過沙箱很容易受到諸多安全限製。

很多跨平台的應用程序也需要 Java 才能正常運行。

檔案版本 Java Runtime Environment (64-bit)
檔案名稱 jre-6u19-windows-x64.exe
檔案大小 15.66MB
系統 Windows (All Versions)
支援語系 Multiple languages
軟體類型 免費軟體
更新日期 2010-03-31

# OlsonData 2010b
* 6u19 contains Olson time zone data version 2010b.

# Root Certificates
* Added seven new root certificates, removed three root certificates and five root certificates replaced with stronger signature algorithms from VeriSign, Thawte and GeoTrust. (Refer to 6904162.)

# Ensuring Application and Applet Security when Mixing Signed and Unsigned Code
* Signed Java Web Start applications and applets that contain signed and unsigned components could potentially be unsafe unless the mixed code was intended by the application vendor. As of this release, when mixed code is detected in a program, a warning dialog is raised. Mixing Signed and Unsigned Code explains this warning dialog and options that the user, system administrator, developer, and deployer have to manage it.

# Interim Fix for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) Man-in-the-Middle Attack
* For more information about the vulnerability and the interim fix, please see the TLS Renegotiation Issue Readme.

# Various Bug Fixes

作者 Oracle