
phpMyAdmin 4.8.3

phpMyAdmin devel team


  • 使用者可以自由切換不同語言介面,包含繁體中文。
  • 可在web介面上操作您的資料庫或資料夾(如:修改、新建或刪除等)。
  • 在維護功能方面包含可(檢查、修復、分析、最佳化)資料表等。
  • 可以管理多台伺服器。
  • 可將資料庫可導出不同格式(如:CSV、XML、PDF、Word、Excel等)。

檔案版本 phpMyAdmin 4.8.3
檔案大小 10.25MB
系統 Windows (All Versions)
支援語系 Multiple languages
軟體類型 免費軟體
更新日期 2018-08-23

Security fix for an issue that can be exploited when importing files.
A flaw was discovered with how warning messages are displayed while importing a file. This attack requires a specially-crafted file but can allow an attacker to trick the user in to executing a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack.
In addition to the security fixes, this release also includes these bug fixes and more as part of our regular release cycle:
An error where a database is named 0.
Fix for NULL as default not being shown.
Fix for recent tables list.
Fix for slow performance with table filtering.
Two-factor authentication (2FA) fails if the GD PHP library is missing.
Event scheduler toggle does not work.
ERR_BLOCKED_BY_XSS_AUDITOR error when exporting a table.
PHP 7.3 warning: "continue" in "switch" is equal to "break".

作者 phpMyAdmin devel team
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