32bit int range

On the Arduino Uno (and other ATMega based boards) an int stores a 16-bit (2-byte) value. This yields a range of -32,768 to 32,767 (minimum value of -2^15 and a maximum value of (2^15) - 1). On the Arduino Due and SAMD based boards (like MKR1000 int ...

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  • The number 2,147,483,647 is the eighth Mersenne prime, equal to 231 − 1. It is one of only...
    2,147,483,647 - Wikipedia
  • Range for storing integers A 32-bit register can store 2 32 different values. The range of...
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  • you can convert that array to an array of type int32 by using the int32 function. Syntax Y...
    32-bit signed integer arrays - MATLAB - MathWorks - Makers ...
  • hi, I have 4 color components packed into a 32 bit integer like: AARRGGBB How can I extrac...
    extract values from 32 bit integer - Experts-Exchange
  • On the Arduino Uno (and other ATMega based boards) an int stores a 16-bit (2-byte) value. ...
    int - Arduino - Home
  • 2013年9月29日 - The most used size of an integer is 32 bits. The last bit is used to disting...
    int - What is the minimum value of a 32-bit signed integer? - Stack ...
  • 2009年11月30日 - In my experience the most common size on modern 32 bit desktop .... For uns...
    int - What range of values can integer types store in C++ - Stack Overflow
  • Int32 is an immutable value type that represents signed integers with values that range fr...
    Int32 Structure (System)
  • In computer science, an integer is a datum of integral data type, a data type that represe...
    Integer (computer science) - Wikipedia
  • 2008年9月18日 - Largest negative (32bit) value : -2147483648 ... contains a non-negative Int...
    integer - What is the maximum value for an int32? - Stack Overflow
  • Integer range when using 64bit jdk Ask Question up vote 2 down vote favorite As I understa...
    java - Integer range when using 64bit jdk - Stack Overflow
  • The range of an int data type is -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. Smallint Data Type Small...
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  • I'm confused with range of values of Int variable in C. I know that a 32bits unsigned ...
    Range of values in C Int and Long 32 - 64 bits - Stack ...
  • 2011年5月27日 - The standard defines minimum ranges. An int must be able to hold at least 65...
    Range of values in C Int and Long 32 - 64 bits - Stack Overflow
  • 2013年3月28日 - You may also refer to this data type as unsigned short. int The 32-bit int d...
    what is the range of signed integer ? - CodeChef Discuss
  • 資料型態. 位元組數/位元數. 數值範圍. 整數. int signed signed int. 4/32. -2,147,483,648 ~ 2,147,483,647. uns...
  • 資料型態 位元組數/位元數 數值範圍 整數 int signed signed int 4/32-2,147,483,648 ~ 2,147,483,647 unsigned un...
    基本資料型態 - 國立交通大學如意網站
  • 類型名稱, 位元組, 其他名稱, 值的範圍. int, 4, signed, –2,147,483,648 到2,147,483,647. unsigned int, 4, uns...
    資料類型範圍 - MSDN - Microsoft