a flock of sheep or a herd of sheep

a flock of sheep or a herd of sheep

Thu Dec 03, 2009 18:34 pm difference between swarm, flock and herd The answers above are close but not correct. ... Harem, Herd Sharks Shiver Sheep Flock Snails Escargatoire, Rout Snakes Den, Pit Sparrows Host Spiders Cluster, Clutter ...

相關軟體 Flock 下載

Flock是另一個好用的瀏覽器。剛開始的Flock跟火狐是用相同的核心,因此操作方式會與火狐有些相似,但近來年,改成與 Google Chrome相同的核心,速度變快許多。其中最大的特色是可以整合目前最流行的社交網站,包含 FACEBOOK,Twitter,LinkedIn,YouTube等。同時操作方式跟Chrome非常相似,也會自動記錄密碼等常用網站的功能,非常好用。 ...

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  • Hello, I was wondering why goats are a herd and cows a flock? is it ... The animals most c...
    flock or herd of goats? | WordReference Forums
  • Why is a flock of sheep not called a herd of sheep? SAVE CANCEL already exists. Would you ...
    Why is a flock of sheep not called a herd of sheep?
  • Sheep can be a herd, a flock or even a mob. Go Log In Sign Up entertainment tech lifestyle...
    Is it a Herd or sheep or flock of sheep - Answers.com
  • A group of sheep is called a flock, herd or mob. Many other specific terms for the various...
    Sheep - Wikipedia
  • AI is now available at your fingertips with Respondable. Boomerang Respondable uses AI to ...
    Do you say a flock of sheep or a herd of sheep? - Quora
  • Boy herding a flock of sheep, India; a classic example of the domestic herding of animals ...
    Herd - Wikipedia
  • Thu Dec 03, 2009 18:34 pm difference between swarm, flock and herd The answers above are c...
    difference between swarm, flock and herd - English Test
  • Herd of Cows, Flock of Sheep: Adventures in Collective Nouns (Language Adventures Book) [R...
    Herd of Cows, Flock of Sheep: Adventures in Collective Nouns (Language Adventures Book): R...
  • How do sheepdogs learn how to herd sheep? Is extracting wool harmful for sheep? How much d...
    How does a herd and a flock of sheep differ? - Quora
  • What is the difference between a flock and a herd - apart from one word being used for cow...
    what is the difference between a flock and a herd - apart from one word being used for cow...
  • Flock definition, a number of animals of one kind, especially sheep, goats, or birds, that...
    Flock | Define Flock at Dictionary.com
  • 2007年2月6日 - What is the difference between swarm, flock and herd? ... A flock is a group ...
    difference between swarm, flock and herd - English-Test.net
  • A group of sheep is called a drove, flock or herd. A very large group of sheep is referred...
    What is a group of sheep called? | Reference.com
  • Sheep can be a herd, a flock or even a mob. ... Why is a flock of sheep not called a herd ...
    Is it a Herd or sheep or flock of sheep - Answers
  • Both terms are correct. A shepherd is one who herds sheep, rather than a flocker..
    Why is a flock of sheep not called a herd of sheep - Answers
  • NOOKS AND CRANNIES We have collective nouns for numbers of things; flock of sheep and herd...
    We have collective nouns for numbers of things; flock of sheep and ...
  • In BrE, it's a flock of sheep, not a herd. I have always thought that is odd because &...
    Is it correct to say a flock of sheepdeer? - UsingEnglish.com
  • Hello, I was wondering why goats are a herd and cows a flock? is it ... The animals most c...
    flock or herd of goats? | WordReference Forums
  • Why is a flock of sheep not called a herd of sheep? SAVE CANCEL already exists. Would you ...
    Why is a flock of sheep not called a herd of sheep?