adding this ppa

So, I’ve gotten interested in my Raspberry Pi again, and I’ve been wondering how to add my favorite theme Salience to it using its development PPA. Raspbian My current Raspberry Pi setup is a mostly up-to-date version of Raspbian, a slightly modified vers

相關軟體 SMPlayer 下載

SMPlayer 就除了可以播放各種的影片外,最主要的功能也是最貼心的功能,就是會幫您記住上次看到哪一段,再次播放時就會幫您繼續播放,雖然有些播放軟體也做得到,不過SMPlayer更貼心的就是連音量都幫您記得很貼心唷! 會記憶使用者上次看到哪一段 ...

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  • Hello guys, I'm having hard time trying add PPA files. I believe i spent waay to much ...
    Adding PPA in Kali Linux -
  • So, I’ve gotten interested in my Raspberry Pi again, and I’ve been wondering how to add my...
    Adding PPA’s to Raspbian | kroq-gar78's webweb
  • Usually we can add a new PPA repository by adding it into Software Sources (software-prope...
    How To Add Ubuntu PPA Manually - Websetnet - Technology Blog ...
  • PPAs are a great way for Linux users to install software that's unavailable in central...
    How to use PPAs to install bleeding-edge software in Ubuntu ...
  • Disclaimer: I know adding ppa can have adverse effects on debian machines At this point th...
    Howto add PPA in debian - Techno Enthusiast's Blog
  • However, PPA is a powerful tool to have and a lot of the specific applications that are no...
    Kali Linux add PPA repository add-apt-repository - blackMORE ...
  • Possible Duplicate: What are PPAs and how do I use them? I always like to have my programs...
    repository - How to add ppa repositories? - Ask Ubuntu
  • I ran add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa in docker container, but failed with the noti...
    ubuntu - add PPA failed in Docker container - Stack Overflow ...
  • For Ubuntu 11.04 and newer Before adding a PPA you should be aware of some of the risks in...
    What are PPAs and how do I use them? - Ask Ubuntu
  • Has anyone had any issues with attempts to add PPA repositories? I just installed 15.04 on...
    [SOLVED] Issues with adding PPA repositories - Support & ...