aircraft airplane差異

Practical, powered, fixed-wing aircraft (the aeroplane or airplane) were invented by Wilbur and Orville Wright. Besides the method of propulsion, fixed-wing aircraft are in general characterized by their wing configuration. ...

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  • Practical, powered, fixed-wing aircraft (the aeroplane or airplane) were invented by Wilbu...
    Aircraft - Wikipedia
  • 表示飞机的那几个词,airplane,aircraft,aeroplane,plane的区别aeroplane, airplane, aircraft, plane, jet, h...
    表示飞机的那几个词,airplane,aircraft,aeroplane,plane的区别_ ...
  • aircraft /'ɛrkr,æft/ 共發現 7 筆關於 [aircraft] 的資料 (解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢) 來源(1): pydict data [p...
    aircraft 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典
  • Photo gallery containing mostly commercial airliners but also military planes and helicopt... - Official Site
  • It’s no surprise that this brilliantly-designed aircraft is one of the most versatile in t...
    ... A350 3D view | Airbus | Airbus, Commercial Aircraft ...
  • 請看我們阿聯酋航空 A380 客機的座位表。 機上所有艙等皆有舒適的座椅以及免費的 Wi-Fi,讓你享受一趟無與倫比的飛行體驗。 - 阿聯酋航空 台灣
    阿聯酋航空 A380 | 我們的機隊 | 阿聯酋航空體驗 | 阿聯酋航空 台灣
  • On July 21, 2009, Boeing released a photograph of the first cargo airplane, its fuselage a...
    Boeing 747-8 - Wikipedia
  • A European consortium producing the Airbus family of passenger aircraft, a corporate jet, ...
    Airbus - Official Site
  • 每一次交易最多可以訂購9張機票(不含嬰兒),須至少一位成人(16歲(含)以上)同行,每位成人至多可攜帶一名嬰兒 (不可佔位且行程期間不可超過2歲) 及一位小孩,或每位成人至多可攜帶...
    首頁 - 長榮航空 | 台灣 - EVA Air | Global
  • Welcome to the United States Air Force. Learn about great opportunities for enlisted airme...
    U.S. Air Force Recruiting - Official Site