android edittext setinputtype

android edittext setinputtype

android.text.InputType Known Indirect Subclasses EditorInfo Bit definitions for an integer defining the basic content type of text held in an Editable object. Supported classes may be combined with variations and flags to indicate desired behaviors ...

相關軟體 CudaText 下載

CudaText is a cross-platform text editor that provides an array of plugins to support features such as code snippets, color picker, and macros. The app even comes with a simple module to help in the...

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  • How do we set the input type for an EditText programatically? I'm trying: mEdit.setInp...
    android - Set inputType for an EditText? - Stack Overflow ...
  • android.text.InputType Known Indirect Subclasses EditorInfo Bit definitions for an integer...
    InputType | Android Developers
  • A user interface element for entering and modifying text. When you define an edit text wid...
    EditText | Android Developers
  • What is the difference between EditText.setInputType and setRawInputType. I have a field t...
    android - EditText.setInputType vs. setRawInputType - Stack ...
  • 有输入必有验证。为了防止用户随便输入确保提交数据的合法性,程序不得不在文本输入框(EditText)中增加限制或验证。 关于输入类型有数字、字母、邮箱、电话等形式,这些具体得根据业...
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  • 【背景】 经过一些Android中EditText方面的折腾: 【已解决】android中的EditText控件没有获得焦点但是输入法却弹出显示->Activity中不要默认...
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  • 關鍵在 <requestFocus/> 或者 editText.requestFocus()。 main.xml <LinearLayou...
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  • 关于EditText,Android安卓开发者,想创建了一个EditText edit2 = new EditText(this);然后edit2.setRawInputType(...
    关于EditText - Android安卓开发者 机锋论坛
  • **在Android开发过程中,我们经常使用到EditText控件,并且会根据各种需求设置它的输入类型。设置EditText输入类型主要有两种方法,一种是使用EditText的se...
    Android之设置EditText输入类型(setInputType()方法和android:in ...
  • android EditText inputType说明,cyxinda的网易博客,Spring, 网易 新闻 LOFTER 邮箱 相册 阅读 图书 有道 摄影 企业邮箱 优惠券 ...
    android EditText inputType说明 - cyxinda的日志 - 网易博客 ...