android egl version

Both support EGL version 1.4. The Android mobile device operating system uses EGL for 3D graphics rendering. ... The proprietary Nvidia driver 331.13 BETA from 4 October 2013 supports the EGL API. Tizen OS uses EGL with either OpenGL ES 1.1 or Mesa ...

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  • javax.microedition.khronos.egl.EGL Known Indirect Subclasses EGL10,EGL11 Interfaces EGL EG...
    EGL | Android Developers
  • For the OpenGL Android project I am working on, I need ES 2.0, but I need the control of r...
    android - How to set OpenGL version in either EGL or GLSurfa ...
  • Both support EGL version 1.4. The Android mobile device operating system uses EGL for 3D g...
    EGL (API) - Wikipedia
  • Android includes support for high performance 2D and 3D graphics with the Open Graphics Li...
    OpenGL ES | Android Developers
  • (experienced c programmer, pre-shader, fixed function open gl. competent Java programmer) ...
    opengl es 2.0 - EGL vs GLES 2.0 on Android (e.g. Java) - ...
  • I/OpenGLRenderer( 2664): Initialized EGL, version 1.4 D/OpenGLRenderer( 2664): Enabling de...
    Android 5.0 on iMX6Q | NXP Community
  • Android Open Source Project Source Security Porting Tuning Compatibility Reference Go to C...
    Building test programs | Android Open Source Project
  • Chapter 1 Overview This document describes EGL, an interface between rendering APIs such a...
    EGL 1.4 - December 4, 2013 - The Khronos Group Inc
  • Overview • The Android graphics stack changed a lot in Jelly Bean as a result of project B...
    The Android graphics path - Linux Foundation
  • 说明: 1,虽然Android使用(实现)的是EGL 1.4(从打印的版本号中可见), 但在Android 4.2(API 17)以前的版本没有EGL14,只有EGL10和EGL1...
    学习OpenGL-ES: 2 - EGL解析 - kiffa - 博客园