android mediaplayer loop

2016年5月28日 - Only solution that worked for me was to use setNextMediaPlayer call (which is able to start next loop without a gap) and two MediaPlayers.

相關軟體 Adobe Media Player 下載

Adobe Media Player is a next-generation desktop media player, providing high-quality video playback of streamed, downloaded, or locally stored video content. Using the simple, intuitive interface of A...

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  • 2012年8月14日 - on the mediaplayerObject after you called MediaPlayer.prepare() ... Audiofil...
    android - How do I loop my Media Player files? - Stack Overflow
  • 2016年5月28日 - Only solution that worked for me was to use setNextMediaPlayer call (which i...
    Android - How to remove MediaPlayer loop delays? - Stack Overflow
  • 2013年5月13日 - Replace mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); with the line ... object which does...
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  • I want to create activity background music, but MediaPlayer playing not repeatedly :( Why ...
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  • 2013年1月22日 - int count = 0; // initialise outside listener to prevent looping mediaPlayer...
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  • I'm trying to get the MediaPlayer object in android to loop seamlessly, without a gap ...
    Android MediaPlayer loop has gap - Experts-Exchange
  • Code examples using Codota understands the worlds code and prov... Android code examples | Codota ...
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    Android.Media.MediaPlayer.Looping Property
  • Its my favorite loop app. The design of the gui system looks like something from 2003 but ...
    Asti Media Player - Android Apps on Google Play
  • 2010年4月21日 - its simple, look into this api
    java - Doing an audio loop on android - Stack Overflow
  • 2011年8月23日 - class MediaDemo extends Activity{ public static MediaPlayer myplayer=new Med...
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  • In this super quick video I'll show how to set your music to continually loop using Me...
    Learn Android Studio: (23) How to loop music in MediaPlayer - YouTube
  • 2012年11月29日 - i think it's because you keep on creating a new instance of the mediapl...
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  • 2012年1月3日 - It's known that MediaPlayer is having problems with ogg files. You could ...
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  • Media Player for Android features: Automatic detection of media on the SD card Unified sta...
    Media Player for Android - Android Apps on Google Play ...
  • I am having 3 secs of mp3 file. I want to play that mp3 file continuously still the user c...
    Media Player Looping : Android - Stack Overflow
  • State Diagram Playback control of audio/video files and streams is managed as a state mach...
    MediaPlayer | Android Developers
  • Code examples using MediaPlayer.setLooping. Codota understands the worlds code and provide...
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  • Hi - I am looking for a video player app that can loop a video continuously. I can't s...
    Video players that can loop video continuously - Android App ...