apple b2b

Apple's B2B App Store went live last week and it is the latest signal that the company is taking the enterprise seriously. The larger questions revolve around whether Apple had to launch the B2B App Store to get ahead of more traditionally enterprise-

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  • 2017年10月8日 - The app is a leading wholesale mobile marketplace for global tra... B2B Trade App:在App Store 上的App - iTunes - Apple
  • The Apple B2B App Store is open for business. Only a week after first revealing details of...
    Apple B2B App Store Open for Business | PCWorld
  • 行動支付 Apple Pay 自 3 月 29 日正式登台後,今天爆發首宗盜刷案。金管會表示,遭盜刷的銀行有國泰世華、台北富邦兩家銀行,合計盜刷筆數約 30 筆、金額約新台幣 7 ...
    Apple Pay | TechNews 科技新報
  • Experience the wide world of Apple at the Apple Store. Shop for Apple computers, compare i...
    Apple Store for Business - Please Choose Your Country
  • Apple's B2B App Store went live last week and it is the latest signal that the company...
    Apple's B2B App Store: Four reasons why it's a big ...
  • Custom B2B apps can be built to address a unique business need, integrate with a unique ba...
    Building and Distributing Custom B2B Apps for iOS ... - Apple Developer
  • Apple’s Volume Purchase Program makes it simple to find, buy, and distribute iOS and Mac a...
    Business - Volume Purchase Program for Business - Apple
  • 2017年3月27日 - A custom B2B app is available privately as a custom B2B on the Volume Purcha...
    Configuring a Custom B2B App (Optional) - Apple Developer
  • Expand your customer base by offering custom B2B apps for small business and enterprise.
    Custom B2B Apps for iOS - Apple Developer
  • Erik Eckel goes over the requirements for businesses to purchase and deploy custom apps th...
    How to purchase and deploy custom B2B apps through Apple&#39 ...
  • カスタム B2B アプリケーションを小規模の法人や企業に提供することにより、顧客基盤を拡大することができます。
    iOS 用カスタム B2B アプリケーション - Apple Developer
  • Experience the wide world of Apple at the Apple Store. Shop for Apple computers, compare i...
    Please Choose Your Country - Apple Inc.
  • B2B or Business to Business apps are apps where the All Posts end user is the owner of a b...
    The Apple B2B App Store - App Development | Developing ...
  • Find out how these apps get into the B2B App Store and how they are made available. ... Wi...
    What is Apple's B2B App Store and How Does it Work? | ...
  • 利用自訂app,擴展你iPhone 和iPad 的功能。為iOS 而設的自訂B2B app 由第三方開發者專門為你而製作,同時透過VPP 商店以私密方式採購,讓你的業務可以獲得&n...
    商務應用- Apple 商務方案- Apple (香港)
  • 蘋果日報網站提供即時、快速、豐富的最新時事動態,包含國際、社會、娛樂、政治、生活、財經等最新訊息,並為您搜奇地球村萬象與趣聞,強調有圖有真相、影片最明白,讓您 ...
    蘋果即時新聞|蘋果日報|Apple Daily
  • 2015年8月15日 - 自訂B2B App 僅提供給您在iTunes Connect 中指定的「大量採購計劃」客戶使用,且僅在可適用的地區提供。例如,「美國大量採購計劃」的客戶...
    設定自訂B2B App (可選用) - Apple Developer
  • 2017年3月27日 - 商业批量购买计划商店(Volume Purchase Program Business Store)里的自定B2B App 仅向您在iTunes Con...
    配置自定B2B App(可选) - Apple Developer