arrange schedule意味

Both sentences are correct, but keep in mind that they mean different things: Let's schedule our meeting at another time implies that you and I are going to schedule our meeting in the future. Let's schedule our meeting for another time implies th

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  • 這二個單字當動詞用都可翻譯成"安排"那二者的用法有何不同呢!?我在猜是否schedule是用於"時間"的安排!?而arrange是用於&qu...
    schedule跟arrange用法有何不同? | Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供arrange的中文意思,arrange的用法讲解,arrange的读音,arrange的同义词,arrange的反义词,arrange的例句等英语服务...
    arrange是什么意思_arrange的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸在 ...
  • Both sentences are correct, but keep in mind that they mean different things: Let's sc...
    Let's schedule our meeting atfor another time.
  • 我是電子工廠採購, 常會寫以下英文mail, 懇請幫忙看看我寫常寫的英文mail句子是否正確嗎/ 1. please help to arrange the schedule on...
    採購商業書信 | Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • schedule 時間表,一覽表,計劃表,議事日程(vt.)預定,編制目錄,制…表,安排 ... 《【生命總有出口】兩個癌症和一場痛失至親的意外打不倒堅強、樂觀的她 Two Can...
    schedule 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典
  • 有時候,越簡單的英文越容易錯;今天要看的arrange,就是一個例子。 安排一場會議、安排一輛計程車、安排一個interview,都可以用arrange。來看看這句話哪裡錯了: (...
    Arrange這個字好簡單,你還是會用錯? - 世界公民文化中心 - udn ...
  • They're both correct and they both describe the exact same situation. "Has been s...
    Meeting Is ScheduledHas Been Scheduled. - ENGLISH FORUMS ...
  • schedule 時間表,一覽表,計劃表,議事日程(vt.)預定,編制目錄,制…表, 安排 線上英漢字典/中文拼音/計算機 Chinese-English Dictionary /...
    schedule 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典 - 英漢字典 (English-Chinese ...
  • schedule meaning, definition, what is schedule: a list of planned activities or things to ...
    schedule Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
  • Andrew thanked him and went into the cabin to arrange for lights. I want to call on that s...
    Arrange Synonyms, Arrange Antonyms |