bank check

A cashier's check or cheque is a cheque guaranteed by a bank, drawn on the bank's own funds and signed by a cashier. Cashier's checks are treated as guaranteed funds because the bank, rather than the purchaser, is responsible for paying the am

相關軟體 CheckMail 下載

CheckMail 是一款POP3電子郵件檢查程式,可提醒您是否有新郵件送達;您可利用CheckMail先檢查伺服器之中是否含有垃圾信,並在下載之前直接予以刪除。 可設定無限量的POP3郵件帳戶。 ...

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  • 2014年10月15日 - Bank Check versus Personal Check. bank check Transactions require different...
    Bank Check versus Personal Check - ACHeck21 - ACH & Check21 ...
  • Finally, gold and silver are replaced by the letter of credit, the bank check, and the num...
    Bank check | Define Bank check at
  • A cashier's check or cheque is a cheque guaranteed by a bank, drawn on the bank's ...
    Cashier's check - Wikipedia
  • Find answers to your frequently asked questions about check orders with Bank of America FA...
    Check Ordering FAQs - Bank of America
  • — bank check:a check drawn by a bank on its deposits in another bank — cashierʼs check:a c...
    Check | Definition of Check by Merriam-Webster
  • Find a checking account that matches your style and meets your needs. Whatever checking ac...
    Checking Account | Online Checking Account | Santander Bank
  • Select from the following categories to get answers about checking, savings and other bank...
    Checking Account, Savings Account, and other Bank Account Answers ...
  • A cheque or check (American English; see spelling differences) is a document that orders a...
    Cheque - Wikipedia
  • what is e check??? E-CHECK = 網路支票 如果你有支票簿,就可以用E-CHECK...自動從你的銀行取$$ 其實在現在這個社會用卡還是E-CHECK都是有...
    cheque - Yahoo奇摩字典 搜尋結果
  • cheque 共發現 4 筆關於 [cheque] 的資料 (解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢) 來源(1): pydict data [pydict] cheque 支票 來源(...
    cheque 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典
  • 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供cheque的中文意思,cheque的用法讲解,cheque的读音,cheque的同义词,cheque的反义词,cheque的例句等英语服务。
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  • Many people confuse money orders, bank checks and cashier checks, since they are used to g...
    Comparing Money Orders, Bank Checks and Cashiers Checks
  • 2017年7月3日 - See where to find your account number on a check (and what to do if you don&#...
    Find Your Account Number on a Check - The Balance
  • Order checks online, by phone or at your local U.S Bank branch. U.S. Bank makes ordering n...
    Order Checks | Checking Accounts | U.S. Bank
  • -法律-使用支票應注意的法律問題 企業使用支票的情形相當頻繁,但是很多的支票使用人大多沒有使用支票的法律知識。以下將說明使用支票的注意要點。 1. 開立支票︰ (1) 支票之兌現︰...
    使用支票應注意的法律問題 - 政府.創業.貸款.專業的創業輔導 ...
  • ;支票(banker's checks;Cheque 或 Check)支票是指發票人簽發的委托銀行等金融機構於見票時支付一定金額給收款人或其他指定人的一種票據。(1)寫明其...
    支票 - MBA智库百科