birds of a feather flock together 意味

birds of a feather flock together 意味

Men of my age flock together; we are birds of a feather, as the old proverb says. Plato's text can be translated in other ways and it is safe to say it was Jowett in 1856, not Plato in 380BC, that considered the phrase to be old.

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  • feather指鳥類的「羽毛」,flock這裡作動詞用,表「群聚」之意,Birds of a feather flock together. 字面上的意思就是「羽毛相同的鳥類會群聚...
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  • Birds of a feather flock togetherの意味や和訳。 《同じ羽の鳥は群をなす》「類は友を呼ぶ」 ⇒ 教訓128 - 約1019万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典...
    Birds of a feather flock togetherの意味 - 英和辞典 Weblio辞書