centos open port

Check and open ports in CentOS / Fedora / Redhat If you want to open or close a port for a Linux firewall you have to edit the rules in the iptables configuration. By default iptables firewall stores its configuration at /etc/sysconfig/iptables file. You

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  • Question: I am running a web/file server on my CentOS box, and to access the server remote...
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  • Check and open ports in CentOS / Fedora / Redhat If you want to open or close a port for a...
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  • Q. I†ve Redhat Enterprise Linux 5 server with Iptabeles firewall enabled. By default it ...
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  • I was recently setting up a web server on centos with nginx and php. The installation of n...
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  • You're following documentation written for CentOS 6 or earlier. CentOS 7 has switched ...
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