clustered system

什麼是 Cluster 與 Cluster 的優點 什麼是 Cluster 呢?目前常見的 Cluster (叢集)架構有兩種,一種是 Web / Internet cluster system,這種架構主要是將資料放置在不同的主機上面,亦即由多部主機同時負責一項服務;而另外一種則是所謂的平行運算了!

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  • A computer cluster consists of a set of loosely or tightly connected computers that work t...
    Computer cluster - Wikipedia
  • A clustered file system is a file system which is shared by being simultaneously mounted o...
    Clustered file system - Wikipedia
  • 什麼是 Cluster 與 Cluster 的優點 什麼是 Cluster 呢?目前常見的 Cluster (叢集)架構有兩種,一種是 Web / Internet cluster...
    鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 架設 Cluster
  • An architecture that ties together uniprocessor, symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) and/or ma...
    clustered system - Gartner IT Glossary
  • A clustered system is two or more computers that share access to each other's disk sto...
    What is clustered system operating system?
  • What is a clustered storage system? What is the difference between a clustered storage sys...
    What is a clustered storage system? - SearchStorage
  • cluster, like 'mount', we would say a true t. but often, when it follows the n, we...
    cluster 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典 - 英漢字典 (English-Chinese ...
  • Recent advances in network and workstation performance have made clustered computer system...
    Cluster Operating Systems
  • Depending on the context, a cluster can be a unit of allocatable hard disk space, a number...
    What is cluster? - Definition from
  • The SMS initial design did not include support for any form of clustered server; therefore...
    SMS: Microsoft Systems Management Server and Clustered Serve ...