direct3d 12

Direct3D 12 allows a lower level of hardware abstraction than ... driver overhead is in fact the main attraction of Direct3D 12, similarly to ...

相關軟體 DirectX 下載

Microsoft DirectX 是一組旨在使運行Windows的計算機成為運行和展示含有豐富多媒體元素的應用程序的理想平台的技術,這些多媒體元素包括全彩色圖形、視頻、3D動畫以及豐富的音頻。DirectX包括安全性和性能更新,以及許多技術的新功能,它可以通過使用DirectX API的應用程序來訪問。 Microsoft Windows Gaming API 的最新版本提供微軟強大的新高...

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  • Microsoft® 的DirectX® 12 API 讓您只要使用現有的硬體就可以帶給您閃電般的快速 效能、每秒更多的訊框並減少延遲。
    AMD + DirectX® 12 技術
  • Direct3D 12 allows a lower level of hardware abstraction than ... driver overhead is in f...
    Direct3D - Wikipedia
  • This programming guide contains information about how to use the Direct3D 12 programmable...
    Direct3D 12 Graphics (Windows) - MSDN - Microsoft
  • Describes the installation, tools and supported libraries that make up a productive Direct...
    Direct3D 12 Programming Environment Setup (Windows)
  • Direct3D 12 provides an API and platform that allows apps to take advantage of the graphi...
    Direct3D 12 Programming Guide (Windows) - MSDN - Microsoft
  • This section covers APIs for Direct3D 12-based graphics programming.
    Direct3D 12 Reference (Windows) - MSDN - Microsoft
  • 遊戲開發者可使用最新的繪圖API,為創新的遊戲加入強大GPU 畫面。GeForce GTX 900 系列GPU 可支援進階DX12 功能,提供全新視覺效果與渲染技術,讓遊戲更加 ...
    DirectX 12 - GeForce 遊戲
  • 19 Aug 2015 ... DirectX 12 brings a lot of new features, and it takes you much closer to ....
    DirectX 12 Programming #1: A quickstart! | digitalerr0r
  • This repo contains the DirectX Graphics samples that demonstrate how to build graphics .....
    GitHub - MicrosoftDirectX-Graphics-Samples: This repo ...
  • 21 Mar 2014 ... SOFTWARE GIANT Microsoft has launched the latest version of its graphics A...
    Microsoft launches Directx 12 with Direct3D 12 for more effi ...
  • 5 Feb 2017 ... Which begs the obvious questions: why don't developers love DX12, and i...
    The forgotten API: just what is going on with DX12? | TechRa ...
  • To write 3D games and apps for Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile, you must understand the b...
    Understanding Direct3D 12 (Windows) - MSDN - Microsoft
  • DirectX 12 introduces the next version of Direct3D, the 3D graphics API at the heart of Di...
    What is Direct3D 12? (Windows) - MSDN - Microsoft