favicon html

I have a few static pages that are just pure HTML, that we display when the server goes down. How can I put a favicon that I made (it's 16x16px and it's sitting in the same directory ...

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  • 2012年3月30日 - <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href=&quot...
    Adding a favicon to a static HTML page - Stack Overflow
  • I have a few static pages that are just pure HTML, that we display when the server goes do...
    Adding a favicon to a static HTML page - Stack Overflow ...
  • Create favicon.ico and iOS / Android App Icons. Edit a favicon to fit your needs, or searc...
    Favicon & App Icon Generator
  • Favicon是favorites icon的縮寫,亦被稱為website icon(網頁圖示)、page icon(頁面圖示)或urlicon(URL圖示)。Favicon是與某...
    Favicon - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
  • Brand your pages with a custom favicon. Create a free icon in seconds with this online too...
    FavIcon from Pics -- free, instant favicon for your site ...
  • W3C QA - This guide reviews the correct way to add a favicon to your Web site and address ...
    How to Add a Favicon to your Site - QA @ W3C
  • 2012年8月9日 - Simply put a file named favicon.ico in the webroot. If you want to ... It&#39...
    html - Add Favicon to Website - Stack Overflow
  • 2011年5月25日 - For compatibility with all browsers stick with .ico . .png is getting more a...
    html - Favicon: .ico or .png correct tags? - Stack Overflow
  • 2011年2月3日 - There are actually two ways to add a favicon to a website. ..... favicon-192x...
    html - How to add a browser tab icon (favicon) for a website? - Stack ...
  • Add a favicon to your website using this HTML code. Favicons appear in the browser tab, ad...
    HTML Favicon Code - HTML Codes, Editors, and Generators ...
  • Add a favicon to your website using this HTML code. Favicons appear in the browser tab, ad...
    HTML Favicon Code - HTML.am
  • <link rel="icon" href="favicon.png" sizes="16x16" type=&q...
    HTML link sizes Attribute - W3Schools
  • 線上製作ico,快速favicon.ico製作轉檔,支援png轉ico、gif轉ico、jpg轉ico檔案,支援透明ico製作、動態ico圖示製作方法,favicon html語法...
    ico製作,線上Favicon.ico製作轉檔工具,即時預覽ico轉檔效果,ico ...
  • 2013年3月16日 - <head profile="http://www.w3.org/2005/10/profile"> <link ...
    Setting favicon in HTML - Stack Overflow
  • 2017年8月27日 - It contains information such as the page <title> , links to CSS (if yo...
    What's in the head? Metadata in HTML - Learn web development | MDN
  • Html要設定部落格和網頁書籤的Favicon Logo讓它們顯示在網址列旁邊,卻不知道怎麼放置嗎?這邊提供自訂網址列圖示教學,並解決各種瀏覽器Chrome、Safari、IE、E...
    『教學』怎麼自訂網站、部落格的Favicon小圖示?設定語法分享(Ht ...
  • 很多人會在自己的網誌上加入一個小圖示,這個小圖示的專有名詞叫「Favicon」,網路上也有許多教學文章,教你如何製作一個精美的Favicon,並提供了語法讓你方便加入到自己的網站中...
    如何下載某網站的Favicon.ico圖示(網址) - 靖.技場
  • 打造具有個人特色的網址列及書籤圖示(Favicon),可以幫助別人對你的網站或部落格更有印象。小小技巧卻有加分效果,何樂而不為?
    自訂網址列圖示﹝FavIcon﹞ ∞ 遇見瓦特比