findstr errorlevel

How to conditionally take action if FINDSTR fails to find a string Ask Question up vote 20 down vote favorite 7 ... It will always evaluate to FALSE because FINDSTR always exits with ERRORLEVEL 0 or 1, and IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 0 is only true if – dbenham ...

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  • the input. (Vista only), Note that in this case XP and Windows 7/2008 will not alter redir...
    Findstr - Search for strings - Windows CMD -
  • How to conditionally take action if FINDSTR fails to find a string Ask Question up vote 20...
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  • "Scott Jerome-Parks" wrote in message Why not test the ERRORLEVEL returned by FI...
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    Errorlevel in a For loop (batch windows) - Stack Overflow
  • findstr是window系统自带的命令,用途是查找指定的一个或多个文件文件中包含(或通过参数 /V来控制不包含)某些特定字符串的行,并将该行完整的信息打印出来,或者打印查询字符...
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  • There is too much Unix Bourne shell or Unix Korn shell or too much Bash in this commandlin...
    DOS Batch -> "if" and "findstr" - ...
  • Forum discussion: I have a somewhat complicated bat file (~2 pages) that does a few things...
    findstr and %ERRORLEVEL% - Microsoft | DSLReports Forums ...
  • will return something like 结果如下: IF ERRORLEVEL 是用來測試它的上一個DOS命令的返回值的,注意只是上一個命令的返回值。 如输入下面内容...
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