hand held computer

Built for the Task at Hand: Rugged Computing for Real-World Mobility Honeywell handheld computers combine the advantages of consumer PDAs and high-end industrial mobile computers into a single rugged package ...

相關軟體 PC Fresh 下載

PC Fresh is a customization utility that is able to alter the look and feel of your Windows operating system.* It can change many hidden settings, optimize your drives, speed up your programs using ...

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  • A hand-held computer is a portable computer that is small enough to be held in one's h...
    What is hand-held computer? Webopedia Definition
  • A mobile device (or handheld computer) is a small computing device, typically, small enoug...
    Mobile device - Wikipedia
  • Built for the Task at Hand: Rugged Computing for Real-World Mobility Honeywell handheld co...
    Handheld Computers | Honeywell
  • Handheld rugged computers, rugged handhelds and rugged tablets for tough environments. Dus...
    Handheld Group - Rugged computers for tough environments.
  • Zebra's wide range of handheld computers outfits healthcare, mobile, logistics, and re...
    Handheld Computers | Zebra
  • CN70e Mobile Computer RF Exposure Information (P/N 933-256-003) PDF 140 KB 6/22/2015 Deskt...
    CN70CN70e Handheld Computers | Honeywell
  • 凌華首頁 > 產品資訊 > 手持式工規電腦 > Handheld Computer > IMX-3000 [+] Enlarge Picture 連絡凌華 ...
    IMX-3000 - 手持式工規電腦 - Handheld Computer - ADLINK Technology
  • a portable battery-powered computer small enough to be carried in your pocket PLAY LOOK UP...
    hand-held computer - Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.com
  • A handheld PC, or H/PC for short, is a computer built around a form factor which is smalle...
    Handheld PC - Wikipedia
  • ADLINK Industrial Mobile Handheld Computer Case Studies ADLINK SI partner fabricated metal...
    ADLINK Industrial Mobile Handheld Computer
  • A handheld computer is a computer that can conveniently be stored in a pocket (of sufficie...
    What is handheld? - Definition from WhatIs.com
  • 2004年5月15日 - Handheld computers can save you time and increase your accuracy with clinica...
    Handheld computers - NCBI - NIH
  • Obstet Gynecol. 2000 Nov;96(5 Pt 1):792-4. Hand-held computer operating system program for...
    Hand-held computer operating system program for collection of ... - NCBI
  • Definition of handheld computer: Very small, lightweight device (such as the Palm Pilot) w...
    What is handheld computer? definition and meaning ...