hangouts app

Turn any conversation into a free video call with just one tap Talk one-on-one or invite friends for a group chat with up to 10 people Have fun with Hangouts apps like Draw or Effects*

相關軟體 Hangouts 下載

Hangouts 的前身為 Google Talk,它就像MSN或Skype 一樣的即時通訊軟體,可以傳送相片和表情符號,而且還能進行群組視訊通話,完全不必負擔任何費用!它支援多種裝置,包括電腦、手機、平板,也可以直接透過Gmail發起視訊通話。 自行決定分享對象,無論是簡單的訊息還是精彩的相片,都只跟適當的對象分享;甚至可以...

了解更多 »

  • Clicking the Download button will take you to a page on Google Play, from where you can in...
    Download Hangouts for Android - free - latest version
  • Turn any conversation into a free video call with just one tap Talk one-on-one or invite f...
    Google Hangouts
  • Always stay connected with the new desktop app for Hangouts.
    Google Hangouts - Chrome Web Store
  • 透過全新的Hangouts 電腦版應用程式,隨時與其他人保持聯繫。
    Google Hangouts - Chrome 線上應用程式商店
  • The new Google Hangouts app on iOS integrates a Google Voice number to some extent, but on...
    Google Hangouts - Wikipedia
  • 2. 所有通訊照片 自動備份到 Google 相簿管理 通訊錄雲端自動同步、對話記錄自動儲存到 Gmail, 而在 Google Hangouts 裡面傳送的照片,也不會因為換了電...
    Google Hangouts 即時通更適合工作溝通的 9 個好理由
  • 在行動裝置上啟用 Hangouts 相當簡單:iOS 上只要登入帳號密碼,而 Android 系統則會直接取代過去的 Google Talk 通訊軟體。 訊息通知設定等大多數選項,...
    Google+ Hangouts 跨平台即時通訊 App,主站動手玩
  • 2013年5月17日 - 回到軟體設計,介面有相當大的改變,Google 表示Hangouts 本身即是圍繞著對話所建構起來。這點所言不虛,一進入行動版App 立即會看到最近的&...
    Google+ Hangouts 跨平台即時通訊App,主站動手玩 - Engadget 中文版
  • I'm using this app for my office purpose but it's not worth to get these stars com...
    Hangouts - Android Apps on Google Play
  • Hangouts Have voice and video conversations from your computer. The plugin is free and ins...
    Hangouts - Chrome Web Browser
  • Hangouts is the instant messaging and videoconferencing service from Google. It can be acc...
    Hangouts - Download
  • Hangouts 可讓你透過視訊通話、語音通話或訊息與重視的人聯繫感情。 視訊通話. 語音通話. 訊息. 下載 Android 版 App Store 版 Chrome 版 · 下...
    Hangouts - Google
  • 使用 Hangouts 與其他人保持聯繫。你可以傳送訊息給聯絡人、發起免費的視訊或語音通話,也可以與一或多人進行對話 ... 有個需要改的問題 當手機點選網址時會自動連上Googl...
    Hangouts - Google Play Android 應用程式
  • Now call any phone number in the world from your Hangouts app without using your cell plan...
    Hangouts Dialer - Call Phones - Android Apps on Google Play
  • Hangouts for Android, free and safe download. Hangouts latest version: Google's comple...
    Hangouts for Android - Download
  • by ThatOneGit For people who don't have phones, this is a great app because it allows ...
    Hangouts on the App Store - iTunes - Apple
  • Hangouts, free and safe download. Hangouts latest version: Google's platform for insta...
    Softonic - Hangouts - Download
  • On your computer, you can use the Hangouts Chrome extension or app to send messages, make ...
    Use the Hangouts Chrome extension or app - Hangouts Help