hit on someone中文

to hit on someone 英文 - 中文字典的翻译 ... en When they reached the barracks, they kept on hitting and threatening them to make them confess to kidnapping someone in the house in Rosarito and to possessing the weapons found inside.

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  • 我們很常說的「追人」、「把妹」、「泡妞」的英文可以用 hit on + someone ... hit a bar/hit some club 上夜店 我們中文常說「上夜店」這種較...
    hit on her 不是「我在打她」,hit the jackpot 或 hit the sack ...
  • to hit on someone 英文 - 中文字典的翻译 ... en When they reached the barracks, they kept on hitting...
    To hit on someone 中文, 翻译, 例句, 字典 英文-中文 - Glosbe ...
  • 英语单词大全为您提供hit on someone是什么意思,hit on someone在线翻译,hit on someone什么意思,hit on someone的意思,hit ...
    hit on someone是什么意思_hit on someone在线翻译_hit on someo ...
  • {Fun 英文} Hola , everyone. How's your day going? 今天Cleo 要分享 hit on 這個常用語。猜猜它是什麼意思呢? Hit...
    {Fun 英文} Hola , everyone. How's your... - 美女老師 ...
  • 中文 (简体) 关注我们 登录 中文 (简体) English (UK) English (US) Español Русский Português Deutsch ... “h...
    hit on someone在剑桥英语词典中的解释及翻译
  • hit on (someone) 追求(某人) A: Man, you need to get a life. Stop calling my girl. A: 老兄啊! 你該找點...
    黛西的生活美語 - 【道地英文EZ說】都會男女
  • 2. Fig. to discover someone or something. I think I have hit upon something. There is a le...
    Hit on - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
  • To "hit on someone" typically means that you are flirting with someone with the ...
    How to use this phrase " hit on someone"? - Learn ...
  • Hit may mean to strike someone or something to cause physical harm. 详细百科解释 相关词汇 scratch hi...
  • hit 打擊,打,沖撞,諷刺(vt.)打,打擊,碰撞,打中,襲擊,偶然碰上(vi.)打, 打中 線上英漢字典/中文拼音/計算機 Chinese-English Dictionary...
    hit 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典 - 英漢字典 (English-Chinese ...