how's it going today

刚到美国不久,大家打招呼的方式基本都在 How's it going? How are you doing? How do you do? How is going on? 这几句之内,在我看来就是个无关紧要的问候,一般也就用代表“好”的一个词来回答了。

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  • 最佳解答: how's it going = how are you = how do you do 還有.....你打錯了....是how's it going或...
    hows it going?是什麼意思?? | Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • 也有人把What day is it today? 說成What day is today? 這句算是把虛主詞省略。至於How’s going?我個人淺見認為很口語,外國人都這樣說...
    how's going? - 文法教學區 - 英語討論區 -
  • 刚到美国不久,大家打招呼的方式基本都在 How's it going? How are you doing? How do you do? How is going on?...
    如何回答美国人的「How is it going?」问候语? - 知乎
  • heard you had some problems with your girl. how's it going? things getting better?&quo...
    Urban Dictionary: how's it going
  • I have observed that people from America, greet by asking, "Hi, how is it going?&quot...
    ... - How do you respond back to "Hi, How is it going? ...
  • 口語上 How are you doing? =你好 How is it going? =最近如何? (其實也跟你好差不多) 你會問how's going, how&#39...
    請問how's doing 和how's going各代表什麼意思呢? ...
  • 請問在國外假如人家問 How's it going? How are you? How's it doing? 之類問候的話~請問通常是怎麼回答呢 是直接反問人家 ...
    How's it going............ | Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • What’s going on? 這些都是一般口語上常用來問候別人的說法。 比較特別的還有: How’s tricks ... how are you today i am fin...
    外國人問你"How are you doing?",比I am fine更好的 ...
  • Relationship got you down? Talk it out with online therapy today. Get matched to a license...
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  • 我不知道從哪裡聽來的 不知道是What's going on 還是 How's going on 是什麼意思 -- 花開花放時 不懂呀不懂 笑容像彩虹
    [請益] What's going on 是什麼意思? - 看板 Eng-Class - 批 ...