if exist goto

Hi all, I am trying to create a Macro to sort a list, but within the Macro I want to delete the Styles "Hyperlink", if it exists or skip delete if it does not. I have created the following ...

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The Bat! mail client has a lot of vital benefits and useful features that make your email experience simple and convenient. All these features perfectly fit any Windows OS. Moreover, The Bat! is the f...

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  • Experts, I am looking for a batch file command to tell me if certain file types exist in a...
    batch file: IF exist (multiple file types)
  • GOTO is a TCC (and CMD) command to branch to a specified line inside the current batch fil...
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  • If the subroutine Label does not exist = 1 Examples: A simple goto jump: GOTO sub_message ...
    Goto - Jump to label - Windows CMD - SS64.com
  • echo off IF not EXIST autoexec.bat goto 1 echo 文件存在成功! goto exit :1 echo 文件不存在失败! goto exi...
  • If and goto command You can use the IF command to carry out different commands under diffe...
    If and goto command - Academic Computer Center
  • Hi all, I am trying to create a Macro to sort a list, but within the Macro I want to delet...
    If exist the goto else goto - Microsoft Community ...
  • If prefer @pipitas anser over @bta as it is simpler and does not side-step the question of...
    scripting - IF ELSE problem COMMAND BATCH - Stack Overflow
  • Batch files have always required you to use the correct syntax. vDos is designed for runni...
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  • i'm trying to write a simple if exists in batch but getting an error. GOTO was unexpec...
    windows - Batch file IF file exists GOTO - Stack Overflow
  • exe就goto y,不存在1;2。我只是提供一種思路,而且可以減少出錯的幾率; (if exist "C:\。 if exist ":對於那個主題文件...
    批處理 if exist 判斷兩個文件 - 百度知道 - 全球最大中文互動問 ...