ios vnc server

I know there is an existing app named veency that converts the iPhone/iPad in a VNC server. With another program like tightvnc on the mac or windows, you can remotely use an ...

相關軟體 RealVNC 下載

RealVNC程式用來提供遠端控制連線,一般來說網路已經內建遠端控制選項功能,但此功能不同的地方則是如果控制端的電腦沒有安裝此軟體也可以透過瀏覽器來控制被控端的電腦,執行類似的遠端處理功能 檔案小不占用空間資源 ...

了解更多 »

  • How do I install VNC Viewer? Just run the installer on the device you want to control from...
    Download VNC Viewer for iOS | RealVNC
  • I know there is an existing app named veency that converts the iPhone/iPad in a VNC server...
    iphone - Non-jailbreak VNC server for iOS? Remotelly use an ...
  • All I want to do is remotely control my old iPhone 3GS from my new iPhone 4S. It’s about 2...
    What Does Apple Have Against VNC Server on iOS? | Low End ...
  • What is VNC Connect? VNC Connect is the latest version of our remote access software for p...
    Download VNC Connect | RealVNC - Remote Access Software for ...
  • 找ios vnc viewer教學在【阿達玩APP】提供有akrdcpro vnc viewer app教學 77筆2頁,akRDCPro VNC viewer app即時熱門話題...
    ios vnc viewer教學|討論ios vnc viewer教學推薦akrdcpro vnc vi ...
  • We recently got a tip over to this It's Just Poison post about Veency for jailbroken i...
    Veency: VNC Server for iPhone - Engadget
  • Screens for Mac and iOS is the best remote access solution for accessing our Macs when awa...
    The best remote access solution for Mac and iOS – The Sweet ...
  • I'm looking for a VNC server for my iPhone/iPad that (assuming I know the IP address) ...
    VNC Server for non-Jailbroken iPhoneiPad - Ask Different ...
  • vnc app ios在【癮科技App】有iphone vnc viewer教學78筆2頁,iphone vnc viewer教學最夯話題,Your computer whenev...
    vnc app ios|最夯vnc app ios介紹iphone vnc viewer教學(共78筆 ...
  • AirServer® is the most advanced screen mirroring software receiver for Mac, PC and Xbox On...
    AirServer - Official Site