iterm2 linux

Q: I don't like the way that iTerm2 renders bold fonts. A: Go to Preferences->Profiles->Text and change the "Draw bold text in bold font" and "Draw bold text in bright colors" settings. Try running this command in bash to see

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  • My terminal choice has always been Guake, but at my job they have some Macs and I've s...
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  • Q: I don't like the way that iTerm2 renders bold fonts. A: Go to Preferences->Profi...
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  • I think maybe screen or tmux (combined with eg. urxvt) is the closest you'll get. (dep...
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    iTerm2 结合 Linux expect 实现 ssh 自动登陆, 通过跳板机登录服 ...
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  • iTerm2是一个免费的、针对termial增强的一个工具。 可以在这里下载最新版的。 通常情况下,iTerm2访问远程Linux使用ssh,与Termial基本一样,方法如下:
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