js remove local storage

Creating an to-do app is usually the first application you learn how to build in JavaScript but the problem with all those apps is that when you reload the page all those to-do’s are gone. There is a simple solution though, and that’s to use local storage

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  • Is it possible to clear HTML5 local storage on a specific web page? I was editing a Javasc...
    google chrome - Clear HTML5 local storage on a specific page ...
  • I know I can delete all the data from local storage on a web page's input fields with:...
    How do I delete just part of localStorage data? - JavaScript ...
  • Creating an to-do app is usually the first application you learn how to build in JavaScrip...
    How to use local storage for JavaScript | Webdesigner Depot ...
  • 说到本地存储,这玩意真是历尽千辛万苦才走到HTML5这一步,之前的历史大概如下图所示: 最早的Cookies自然是大家都知道,问题主要就是太小,大概也就4KB的样子,而且IE6只支...
    HTML5 LocalStorage 本地存储 - xiaowei0705 - 博客园
  • HTML web storage; better than cookies. What is HTML Web Storage? With web storage, web app...
    HTML5 Web Storage - W3Schools Online Web Tutorials
  • 2011年10月5日 - removeItem("name of localStorage variable you want to remove"); .....
    javascript - Clear localStorage - Stack Overflow
  • 2012年3月5日 - You can loop through the keys in the localStorage and target them with a reg ...
    javascript - clearing objects from localstorage - Stack Overflow
  • I am trying to use local storage for my little table where i just want to save few things ...
    javascript - Delete from localStorage - Stack Overflow ...
  • How to delete a localStorage item when the browser window/tab is closed? Ask Question up v...
    javascript - How to delete a localStorage item when the ...
  • 2012年3月30日 - should be done like that and not with delete operator: localStorage.removeIt...
    javascript - How to delete a localStorage item when the browser ...
  • 2012年5月22日 - If you want to remove/clean all the values from local storage than use ... a...
    javascript - HTML5 - localStorage remove and clear all data - Stack ...
  • 2016年12月5日 - When you remove an item, you aren't deleting your entire todolist . Rath...
    javascript - Local storage remove item - Stack Overflow
  • 2016年8月3日 - Instead of deleting the key, just set it again with the new questions array: ...
    javascript - Remove array item from localstorage - Stack Overflow
  • 2013年10月10日 - try removing items like this, removing local storage items by their key val...
    jquery - Removing items from the localStorage - Stack Overflow
  • Look at how easy it is to store information on a computer. The classic way to do local sto...
    Local Storage And How To Use It On Websites – Smashing ...
  • I am looking for some way to remove items from local storage (HTML5 feature) in IE10. I pr...
    Remove item from LocalStorage | The ASP.NET Forums
  • 2017年7月17日 - The clear() method of the Storage interface, when invoked, clears all stored...
    Storage.clear() - Web APIs | MDN
  • 2015年5月8日 - setItem('bgcolor', 'red'); localStorage.setItem('font&#39...
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  • 2017年10月8日 - The removeItem() method of the Storage interface, when passed a key ... data...
    Storage.removeItem() - Web APIs | MDN
  • myStorage = window.localStorage; Value A Storage object which can be used to access the cu...
    Window.localStorage - Web APIs | MDN - Mozilla Developer ...