kodi webdav

跳到 WebDAV - 1.9 WebDAV. Main page: WebDAV. As of XBMC v10 (Dharma), XBMC has WebDAV client support for media.

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  • hank6996 wrote: downtodo大...(恕刪) 外網連結你需要架設 FTP 或是 WEBDAV 。 自動添加電影封面與介紹,需要安裝插件,底下有教學。 Kodi ...
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  • 跳到 WebDAV - 1.9 WebDAV. Main page: WebDAV. As of XBMC v10 (Dharma), XBMC has WebDAV clien...
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  • Kodi Media Center, a free and open source cross-platform media center software, capable of...
    Kodi + Seafile + WebDav - Kodi Community Forum ...
  • 如果你正打算建造一個 HTPC 來做為家用的多媒體播放中心,那就一定要來試試 Kodi ... 本機電腦或者行動裝置上的多媒體檔案之外,還支援多種網路通訊協定,例如:UPnP、FT...
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  • 在說明完 Kodi 與刮削器對於多媒體檔案命名上的一些規則之後, 接下來必須要談的就是多媒體內容的來源, 這會影響到使用者對於自己海量資料該如何存放的規劃與選擇。 XBMC/Kod...
    Kodi: 4 – 多媒體內容的來源 | 布拉格的春天 - Frey 的網路誌 IV ...
  • 2015年7月20日 - XBMC/Kodi 可以建立類似於檔案桌面捷徑一般的「連結」來指向任何使用 ... SMB, UPnP, 或是WebDAV 等等, 這些分享內容可以來自...
    Kodi: 4 – 多媒體內容的來源| 布拉格的春天- Frey 的網路誌IV
  • I cannot connect with Kodi on ... windows ssl https synology webdav asked Apr 8 '15 at...
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  • 2013年4月9日 - Tried to connect with WebDav - the question is if the built in WebDav can str...
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  • I've tried everything from this post that applied as well as the answers from this pos...
    ssl - Cannot map Synology WebDAV (HTTPS) share on Windows - ...
  • 2016年2月22日 - So my question would be, is WebDAV better alternative then using FTP or SFTP...
    Streaming over WAN -- WebDAV vs FTP vs SFTP? - Kodi Forums
  • MediaMaster Server-(free) - A simple free GUI webDAV server that is compatible with XBMC v...
    WebDAV - Official Kodi Wiki
  • I've started using the webDAV (http) protocol, and ive succesfully set up my server (N...
    webDAV and clean library - Kodi Forums
  • 2016年1月31日 - I've got WebDAV storage based on OwnCloud. Adding that storage to Kodi r...
    WebDAV folder path for library scanning - Kodi Forums
  • there are other bugs with webdav and xbmc... it skips all bluray and dvd folders upon libr...
    WebDav Setup for XBMC - Kodi Community Forum
  • 2012年2月13日 - alright i have searched for hours and cannot find a how to anywhere (specifi...
    WebDav Setup for XBMC - Kodi Forums
  • My goal is simple: I would like to be able to be at a remote location, and stream my media...
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  • 假設您家中有一台Synology的NAS 使用免費的XBMC播放器,透過DDNS和WebDAV的通訊協定 就可以串流的方式輕鬆播放家中的NAS上的影片喔 ^ _^ 先跳過DDNS和...
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