krita gimp

When comparing GIMP vs Krita, the Slant community recommends GIMP for most people. In the question "What are the best free Photoshop alternatives?" GIMP ...

相關軟體 Krita 下載

Krita is an Open Source painting tool that has been designed for illustrators, concept artists, the VFX industry, and matte and texture artists. Krita has numerous innovative features to help the am...

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  • I used Gimp (GPS), Krita, and Inkscape to create my original character, The Metahari. I go...
    Concept Art in Krita & Gimp PART 1 - YouTube
  • Gimp 2.9 vs. Krita 2.9: Fantastic Freaky Details Best Alternative to Photoshop Krita is a ...
    Gimp 2.9 vs. Krita 2.9: Fantastic Freaky Details - YouTube
  • all threads are always gimp vs photoshop... how about something different for a change: Gi...
    Gimp vs Krita - Ubuntu Forums
  • When comparing GIMP vs Krita, the Slant community recommends GIMP for most people. In the ...
    GIMP vs Krita detailed comparison as of 2017 - Slant
  • In years between 2004 and 2009, Krita had been developed as a generic image manipulation s...
    Krita - Wikipedia
  • Krayon後,終於在2002年選定了Krita作為專案的名稱並沿用至今。在2004年到2009年間,Krita是被作為一個和Photoshop、GIMP 類似的通用圖像處理軟體來...
    Krita - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
  • Shark: Krita我也覺得最大問題是效能,可能因為這軟體是針對Linux設計的,在Windows上會跑得比較慢吧。 免費點陣軟體我比較習慣GIMP,覺得效能和一些細部設計,像...
    Krita - 開源又免費的專業繪圖軟體(2017613更新官網網址) - ...
  • Krita, 免費下載. Krita 3.2.0: Krita is a FREE digital painting and illustration application.Kr...
    Krita 3.2.0 - 下載 -
  • 2016年4月18日 - Many people have heard of the image editing program GIMP (Gnu/Graphic Image ...
    Krita and GIMP… What's the Difference? - Penn Manor Blogs
  • I have ordered a drawing pad and I was wondering what program to use to get used to using ...
    krita or gimp? : krita - Reddit
  • Brief comparison between Krita and GIMP from my brief experience in Krita and extensive us...
    Krita vs GIMP : Differences and When to Use 2017 - YouTube
  • I was a *Photoshop* pro user when I ran Windows machine. A year ago, I switched to GNU Lin...
    Krita vs Gimp vs Photoshop : krita - Reddit
  • I was a Photoshop pro user when I ran Windows machine. A year ago, I switched to GNU Linux...
    Krita vs Gimp vs Photoshop : krita - reddit ...
  • Help the Krita Foundation! October 2017 Donations €519 collected 69 awesome people Feature...
    Krita | Digital Painting. Creative Freedom.
  • 相比 GIMP、 這類免費圖像處理軟體,「 Krita Desktop 」更聚焦於真正的繪圖工作上,所以他具備了像是豐富且擬真的筆刷、支援壓力感應等數位繪圖板技...
    Krita 免費開源繪圖軟體:替代 Photoshop 與 Painter
  • 2017年4月20日 - Tell me some things that GIMP can do better than Krita, because right now al...
    What can GIMP do that Krita can't? : linux - Reddit
  • 2015年2月25日 - However, Krita is to GIMP what a Tesla Sportster is to a Lada Riva. The basi...
    Why I'm switching from GIMP to Krita » Linux Magazine
  • I consider myself neither a technophile nor a technophobe. Yet every once or twice a year,...
    Why I'm switching from GIMP to Krita » Linux Magazine ...
  • Krita 免費專業功能強大的繪圖軟體,它跟GIMP非常類似,也是屬於點陣繪圖的一種提供大量的擬真筆刷(如色鉛筆、油畫、水彩等)、平滑的繪圖板壓感反應、直覺化操作、以及各種特效與濾...
    免費專業繪圖軟體-Krita Portable 3.3.0 中文免安裝版 | 軟體部 ...
  • 当时他选择用来演示的应用是GIMP(GNU图像处理程序)。虽然他的补丁从未发布,但是这在当时的GIMP社区引发了不满。 由于意见不合,KDE项目的成员决定开发 ...
    项目历史| Krita