linux wiki

How Linux was made In the 1980s, many people liked to use an operating system called Unix. But because it restricted the user from sharing and improving the system, some people made a new operating system that would work like Unix but which anybody could

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  • 架構 Linux 由始至今都是使用單核心 (monolithic kernel) 結構,所有裝置驅動程式和核心附加元件 (kernel extension) 都在 kernelsp...
    Linux - FlossDoc
  • TODO: 介紹Linux既簡單又困難,如果你認為哪些描述不準確或還應補充哪些內容到本頁,請直接編輯本文,或進入討論頁討論。
    Linux - Linux Wiki
  • How Linux was made In the 1980s, many people liked to use an operating system called Unix....
    Linux - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Adoption of Linux in production environments, rather than being used only by hobbyists, st...
    Linux - Wikipedia
  • Linux作為比較早嘅原始碼開放操作系統,將引領未來軟件發展嘅方向。原因好簡單,就似而家嘅wiki會好快展示出佢嘅魅力。 基於 Linux 開放源碼嘅特性,越來越多大中型企業同政府...
    Linux - 維基百科,自由嘅百科全書
  • The Linux kernel is a monolithic Unix-like computer operating system kernel. The Linux fam...
    Linux kernel - Wikipedia
  • What is Linux Linux is a computer operating system family, and one of the most prominent e...
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    SSD (固態硬碟) - Linux Wiki
  • Ubuntu 新手入門 本 Wiki 文件是由 Ubuntu@TW 社群所建立的。 如果這是您第一次接觸 Ubuntu,建議您從頭開始閱讀,這樣可以避開許多常見問題。
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