mac parallel print screen

Since there's no Printscreen key on my MacBook Pro keyboard, how do I do a screen capture from within Windows using this keyboard? I am able to go into MacOS and using Shift-CMD-4 do a capture, paste it into the text editor and save it in RTF. I can t

相關軟體 Screenphoto 下載

Screenphoto is a useful little app that runs impercibily from your system tray. It can instantly take a snapshot of your screen when you press the Print Screen key on your keyboard; there is no need...

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  • 無論是Windows新手還老手,對於鍵盤上的PrintScreen應該不感陌生, 當在Windows底下直接按下PrintScreen鍵,就可直接擷取全螢幕畫面,並貼到小畫家或其它...
    [MAC]Macbook在MACWin平台下使用PrintScreen擷取畫面|梅問題. ...
  • Since there's no Printscreen key on my MacBook Pro keyboard, how do I do a screen capt...
    "Print Screen" in Windows on a MacBook Pro | Paral ...
  • If you're a Mac convert using Parallels to run Windows, you're probably wondering ...
    Print Screen in Mac OS X under Parallels | Tech.It.2.Me ...
  • So I have Parallels to run Windows on my MacBook Pro and I have no idea how to print scree...
    How to Print Screen on a MacBook Pro Using Parallels For Win ...
  • I have an iMac 20 inch and play Morrowind using parallels in Windows xp O.S. So I was wond...
    Sorry to ask but how can a Mac user Print Screen using paral ...
  • There is no print screen button on macs but despite this the mac print screen function is ...
    How to do Print Screen on a Mac | We show you the 4 ways of ...
  • Is there a resource that will help me with items like getting a Print Screen (or Print Sel...
    Print Screen in Parallels with 2010 MBP | Official Apple ...
  • Information Press command( ) + Shift + 3 keys simultaneously to take a screenshot of the w...
    KB Parallels: How to take screenshots in a Mac OS ...
  • “Of all the ways to run Windows on a Mac, Parallels Desktop is my favorite because it just...
    Run Windows on Mac - Parallels Desktop 13 for Mac | Parallel ...
  • Here's how to get started with printing in Parallels Desktop. Wondering if setting up ...
    Printing in Parallels Desktop - Parallels Blog - Run Windows ...