mascot score

Scoring Mascot Probability Based Scoring Mascot uses probability based scoring. This enables a simple rule to be used to judge whether a result is significant or not ...

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  • Mascot then computes a score based on the probability that the peptides from a sample matc...
    Mascot (software) - Wikipedia
  • Scoring Mascot Probability Based Scoring Mascot uses probability based scoring. This enabl...
    Mascot database search: Scoring
  • MS/MS Results Interpretation Other help pages describe the format and content of the vario...
    Mascot database search: MSMS Results Interpretation
  • 講員: 蔡沛倫 鎂陞科技股份有限公司Mass Solutions Technology 時間: 2010年7月22日 地點: 台灣大學 MASCOT介紹與蛋白質鑑定 的實際應用 蛋...
    Mascot 20100722.ppt [唯讀] - JuangWeb 莊榮輝網頁系統
  • For each protein match, Mascot calculates an overall Protein Score. This number reflects t...
    Mini-Tutorial: Understanding Mascot Reports (MSMS Ion ...
  • Ions score cut-off: 有兩種作用,當設定數值介於0~1 之間,是將E-value 大 於這個值的所有比對到的peptides 去掉不列;若大於1 則是將各別pep...
    Q: Result page A: Report
  • The Mascot score for a protein is the summed score for the individual peptides, for all pe...
    What does the Mascot Score mean? - ProteinAnalysisBlog
  • Mascot score distribution histogram are considered insignificant hits and can probably (bu...
    Lab 2.4: Mascot - Home -
  • Please sign into your MASCOT® SmartStore account User name Password Forgot your password? ...
    Mascot® SmartStore by Mascot International AS
  • Nothing says “Go, team!” less than an unhappy animal, and as athletes and fans raise a ruc...
    Live-Animal Mascots Score an 'F' | PETA