mediacodec encode

This page is about the Android MediaCodec class, which can be used to encode and decode audio and video data. It includes a collection of sample code and answers to frequently-asked questions. Overview The MediaCodec class first became available in Androi

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  • Encoding H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec Ask Question up vote 27 down vote favor...
    ... - Encoding H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec - ...
  • I would like to encode a set of Bitmaps that I have into an h264. Is this possible via Med...
    android - How to encode Bitmaps into a video using MediaCode ...
  • Information about the Android MediaCodec class, with sample code. ... Last update: 2016-06...
    Android MediaCodec stuff - Big Flake
  • This page is about the Android MediaCodec class, which can be used to encode and decode au...
    Android MediaCodec stuff - Eric_II - 博客園
  • Android 用MediaCodec实现视频硬解码 转自: 本...
    Android 用MediaCodec实现视频硬解码(转)
  • Android has a great media library that provides countless possibilities for application de...
    Android* Hardware Codec – MediaCodec | Intel® Software
  • MediaCodec input to video encoders is undocumented (or not documented enough) and device-s...
    Issue 37769 - android - MediaCodec input to video encoders i ...
  • Thanks for the reply, it's verbatim from the above code with a few more try/catch atte...
    MediaCodec encoder sample · GitHub - Create a new Gist · ...
  • MediaCodec class can be used to access low-level media codecs, i.e. encoder/decoder compon...
    MediaCodec | Android Developers
  • 使用MediaCodec进行h264编解码,首先把编码后的h264流写到文件,然后从文件读出来进行播放,在三星s3手机测试通过,小辣椒不行,其他手机未进行测试。 代码已经放在csd... - CSDN博客