pidgin language

Pidgin English is a non-specific name used to refer to any of the many pidgin languages derived from English. Pidgins that are spoken as first languages ...

相關軟體 Pidgin 下載

Pidgin為一套綜合的即時通訊軟體。使用此軟體,就可讓您登入msn、yahoo即時通、icq、qq等即時通訊的帳號。讓您如果在外面用電腦,不需要這麼麻煩安裝這麼多的即時通訊軟體。 整合了多種的即時通訊軟體(如:msn、yahoo即時通、icq、qq等)。 ...

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  • A creole language is a stable natural language developed from a mixture of different langu...
    Creole language - Wikipedia
  • In linguistics, a pidgin is a simplified form of speech formed out of one or more existing...
    Definition and Examples of Pidgins
  • Hawaiian Pidgin English, Hawaiian Creole English, HCE, or locally known as simply Pidgin, ...
    Hawaiian Pidgin - Wikipedia
  • Pidgin English is a non-specific name used to refer to any of the many pidgin languages de...
    List of English-based pidgins - Wikipedia
  • 跳到 Connection to Portuguese language - ... from the Portuguese language in pidgin English...
    Nigerian Pidgin - Wikipedia
  • A free chat client used by millions. Connect easily to AIM, Google Talk, ICQ, XMPP, and ot...
    Pidgin - Official Site
  • 2017年5月2日 - Learn about pidgins, simplified forms of speech formed out of one or more exi...
    Pidgin - ThoughtCo
  • A pidgin [1] [2] [3] / ˈ p ɪ dʒ ɪ n /, or pidgin language, is a grammatically simplified m...
    Pidgin - Wikipedia
  • Pidgin(前稱Gaim)是一個跨平台的即時通訊 用戶端,使用GNU通用公眾授權條款發布。這款軟體支援多個現時常用的即時通訊協定,讓使用者可以用同一個軟體登入不同的即時通訊服務。...
    Pidgin - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
  • Notes for a course in pidgin and creole languages. Discusses theories of pidginization, cr...
    Pidgin and Creole Languages
  • I look forward in the next few years to reading what the most perceptive and learned have ...
    Pidgin language - definition of Pidgin language by The Free ...
  • Pidgins are on-the-spot languages that develop when people with no common language come in...
    Pidgin Languages | About World Languages
  • Many cats and their human companions seem to develop a pidgin language in order to communi...
    Pidgin | Definition of Pidgin by Merriam-Webster
  • The launch of BBC Pidgin on the World Service is recognition that our English is not ‘brok...
    The absolute beginners' guide to Pidgin | Kobby Graham | ...
  • 2017年3月20日 - Pidgin languages are found worldwide, and are a testament to language evolut...
    The Evolution of Pidgin Languages - United Language Group
  • Pidgin (with a capital P) is the common way of referring to what linguists call Hawai'...
    What is Pidgin? - Department of Second Language Studies