pocket chrome

2 Sep 2016 ... It occurred to me that I downloaded Pocket months ago, and that it comes with a Chrome browser extension to save articles. Since then, I had ...

相關軟體 Evernote Web Clipper 下載

Evernote 是一個非常非常非常棒(絕不是充字數)的記事本工具,它提供您依分類建立記事本,使用關鍵字快速的找出筆記,簡單的圖片轉文字功能,讓圖片中的字也可以被關鍵字搜尋的到,在不同的電腦或手持設備中,同步筆記資訊,查找或新增筆記資訊。 軟體可保留文字記事,儲存網頁,照片,螢幕擷圖等的資訊為筆記的內容。 ...

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  • 2 Sep 2016 ... It occurred to me that I downloaded Pocket months ago, and that it comes wi...
    A new Pocket Feature Shows Trending Stories on Google's ...
  • 2015年2月15日 - Add multiple links to Pocket at once through the selected text or by pasting...
    Batch Save Pocket - Chrome Web Store
  • A simple palette manager that makes copy/pasting hexadecimal colors a breeze.
    Color Palette Pocket - Chrome 線上應用程式商店 - Google
  • 31 Oct 2016 ... Pocket, the service which lets you save articles and videos to it, has upd...
    Disable Trending Stories Shown by Pocket on Chrome New Tab ...
  • 8 May 2017 ... Google added the ability to download pages for reading offline in Android b...
    Google Chrome's new offline features might make Pocket r ...
  • 2017年4月21日 - We currently offer extensions for Google Chrome, Safari, Opera and Microsoft...
    Installing the Pocket Extension in Your Browser - Pocket Support
  • 逾千萬人使用Pocket 輕鬆儲存文章、視訊等內容供日後之用。
    Pocket - Chrome 線上應用程式商店 - Google
  • 3 天前 - Discover the best of the web on your new tab page. Curated by over 30 million peop...
    Pocket New Tab - Chrome Web Store
  • 2012年4月18日 ... 在Google Chrome瀏覽器中安裝「Pocket」後,進入Google Reader,就可以在每篇 訂閱文章的左上方發現〔Pocket〕按鈕,點...
    Pocket 新Google Chrome 擴充套件讓read it later更好用 - 電腦 ...
  • 2012年4月18日 - 在Google Chrome瀏覽器中安裝「Pocket」後,進入Google Reader,就可以在每篇訂閱文章的左上方發現〔Pocket〕按鈕,點擊後...
    Pocket 新Google Chrome 擴充套件讓read it later更好用 - 電腦玩物
  • Installing the Pocket browser extension installs buttons that let you save items with one...
    Pocket: Chrome
  • 13 May 2014 ... Want an easy and convenient way to distribute videos and websites to stude...
    Pocket: The Chrome Extension - YouTube
  • 14 Apr 2016 ... Chrome: Not content with letting Pocket have the spotlight, Google has in...
    Save to Google Is a Pocket-Like Chrome Extension For Saving ...
  • Chrome 版Pocket 擴充件- 儲存文章、視訊等的最佳方式.
    Save to Pocket - Chrome 線上應用程式商店 - Google
  • 2016年11月2日 - Please read below to learn how to get the Pocket Extension working ... this ...
    Trouble Saving with Pocket's Browser Extensions - Pocket Support
  • 2017年8月30日 - Installing the Pocket Chrome Extension To download the Pocket Chrome Extensi...
    Using Pocket for Google Chrome - Pocket Support
  • 30 Aug 2017 ... Installing the Pocket Chrome Extension To download the Pocket Chrome Exte...
    Using Pocket for Google Chrome - Pocket Support ...