population attributable risk

population attributable risk

10 Jun 2003 ... Population attributable risk percent (PAR%): PAR% is the percent of the incidence of a disease in the population (exposed and nonexposed).

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  • 名詞解釋: 將暴露族群的發病率或死亡率與世代研究族群的發病率或死亡率作比較, 得到的差值即為族群相差危險性。可用於預測除去暴露因子之後,所減少的發病數 ...
    Population Attributable Risk; PAR - 族群相差危險性
  • 名詞解釋: 同族群相差危險性(population attri-butable risk),但以百分比來表示,其 計算式如下: 族群相差危險百分率= 例如世代研究結果顯示,不吸煙者...
    Population Attributable Risk Percentage - 族群相差危險百分比
  • Attributable Risk and Population Attributable Risk (PAR) Measures. 1. Core Knowledge: Thes...
    Population Attributable Risk
  • In epidemiology, attributable risk or excess risk is the difference in rate of a condition...
    Population attributable risk - Wikipedia
  • 7 Jun 2016 ... (Also called the Population Attributable Proportion or Attributable ... the...
    The Population Attributable Fraction - School of Public Health
  • 8 Oct 2011 ... Population Attributable Risk (PAR). This is a similar measure to AR except ...
    Epidemiology – Attributable Risk (including AR% PAR + PAR ...
  • 10 Jun 2003 ... Population attributable risk percent (PAR%): PAR% is the percent of the in...
    Attributable Risk Applications in Epidemiology - The College Board
  • This function calculates relative risk, risk difference and population attributable risk d...
    Relative Risk, Risk Difference, Attributable Risk - StatsDirect
  • Adjusted population-attributable risks (PARs) were derived for each independent risk facto...
    Population-Attributable Risk Estimates for Risk Factors Associated ...
  • Definition. The contribution of a risk factor to a disease or a death is quantified using ...
    WHO | Metrics: Population Attributable Fraction (PAF)
  • 名詞解釋: 將暴露族群的發病率或死亡率與世代研究族群的發病率或死亡率作比較,得到的差值即為族群相差危險性。可用於預測除去暴露因子之後,所減少的發病數 ...
    有關 population attributable risk 的學術文章
  • 2011年10月8日 - Population Attributable Risk (PAR). This is a similar measure to AR except i...
    The Population Attributable Fraction
  • This function calculates relative risk, risk difference and population attributable risk d...
    Odds Ratio and Attributable Risk (Retrospective) - StatsDirect
  • Adjusted population-attributable risks (PARs) were derived for each independent risk facto...
    [PDF] Attributable Risk Applications in Epidemiology - The College Board