psftp batch example

How do I write a batch file to control psftp, but with a dynamic filename? Overall I'm trying to convert a video file and then upload it to my Apple TV. Here's what I have, it generally ...

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PuTTY是一套輕量級的遠端連線程式,同時支援Telnet和SSH,由於用Telnet連線時,傳輸內容是用明碼在傳輸,而ssh能將內容加密,為了避免有心人士,在網路上竊取網路封包時,我們便可以使用PuTTY,透過SSH連線到遠端主機。 支援IPV6。 ...

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  • I have a batch file for moving file from my local PC to server through SFTP. I have PuTTY ...
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  • Previous | Contents | Next Using PSFTP to transfer files securely Starting PSFTP-l: specif...
    Using PSFTP to transfer files securely - Earth
  • Chapter 6: Using PSFTP to transfer files securely Section 6.1: Starting PSFTP Section 6.1....
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