psql exit

What command or short key can I use to exit the PostgreSQL command line utility psql? ... Try: Ctrl+Z - this sends the TSTP signal (TSTP is short for “terminal stop”) Ctrl+\ - this sends the QUIT signal For curiosity: Ctrl+D - this sends the EOF chara

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  • Ivan Sergio Borgonovo Thanks. You're right. -- Ivan Sergio Borgonovo http://www.webtha...
    [PostgreSQL] psql exit code - Grokbase
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  • 2015年5月25日 - type -q and press enter to quit from psql from command line. In general the ...
    command line - How can I exitlogout from PostgreSQL? - Stack Overflow
  • I am writing a shell script which makes calls to psql using 2 forms... one is by command (...
    database - Postgres: Non zero exit code when executing a sql ...
  • What command or short key can I use to exit the PostgreSQL command line utility psql? ... ...
    How to exit from PostgreSQL command line utility: psql - Sta ...
  • 2012年2月27日 - quit() quit exit() exit q q() !q ^C help Alt + Tab Quit PSQL -q. ...
    How to exit from PostgreSQL command line utility: psql - Stack Overflow
  • Command line utilities often use different conventions for exiting and it can be difficult...
    How to Exit from PostgreSQL's Command Line Utility (psql ...
  • Command line utilities often use different conventions for exiting and it can be difficult...
    How to Exit from PostgreSQL's Command Line Utility (psql) - Chartio
  • 2015年12月26日 - Just FYI: Hitting Ctrl + Z does not exit psql, it just suspends it and send...
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  • Print the psql version and exit.-W--password Forces psql to prompt for a password before c...
    PostgreSQL: Documentation: 8.1: psql
  • In interactive mode, psql will return to the command prompt; otherwise, psql will exit, re...
    PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.2: psql
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  • Ivan Sergio Borgonovo Thanks. You're right. -- Ivan Sergio Borgonovo http://www.webtha...
    [PostgreSQL] psql exit code - Grokbase
  • Summary: in this tutorial, we give you a list of common psql commands that helps you query...
    17 Practical psql Commands That You Don't Want To Miss