root hair cell

A root hair cell in a plant absorbs minerals that have been dissolved in water. They allow a plant to absorb these minerals by increasing the surface area; this is extremely ...

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了解更多 »

  • A root hair, or absorbent hair, the rhizoid of a vascular plant, is a tubular outgrowth of...
    Root hair - Wikipedia
  • A root hair cell in a plant absorbs minerals that have been dissolved in water. They allow...
    What is the function of a root hair cell? |
  • There are 5 organelles found in a root hair cell. They are the: nucleus, cytoplasm, plasma...
    Biology Blog: Root Hair Cell -
  • Plants absorb water from the soil by osmosis. Root hair cells are adapted for this by havi...
    BBC - GCSE Bitesize: Root hair cells and osmosis ...
  • Where is the root hair cell found in an organism? What is the general structure of the cel...
    Root hair cells by Rachel de Sousa on Prezi
  • Root Hair Cell What is a Root Hair Cell function? What does a Root hair cell look like and...
    Root hair cell by Faatimah Shaikh on Prezi
  • The structure of a root hair cell differs from other root cells in that it has a long, thi...
    What is the structure of a root hair cell? |
  • A root hair cell is on the root of a plant, specially designed so it has a large surface a...
    ... - Discussions - Biology - What is a root hair cell and ...
  • fig 1 labelled root hair cell fig 2 an example of what the root hair cells functions are
    cellfunctioning - Root Hair Cell - Wikispaces
  • Root hair systems biology Marc Libault1, Laurent Brechenmacher1, Jianlin Cheng2, Dong Xu2 ...
    Root hair systems biology - Home: Cell Press