scp r

To copy a directory (and all the files it contains), use scp with the -r option. This tells scp to recursively copy the source directory and its contents. To copy the entire revenge directory from your account to your account, ent

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  • 18. scp 跨机远程拷贝 scp是secure copy的简写,用于在Linux下进行远程拷贝文件的命令,和它类似的命令有cp,不过cp只是在本机进行拷贝不能跨服务器,而且sc...
    18. scp 跨机远程拷贝 — Linux Tools Quick Tutorial
  • To copy a directory (and all the files it contains), use scp with the -r option. This tell...
    In Unix, how do I use SCP to securely transfer files between ...
  • 一、scp是什么? scp是secure copy的简写,用于在Linux下进行远程拷贝文件的命令,和它类似的命令有cp,不过cp只是在本机进行拷贝不能跨服务器,而且scp传输是加...
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  • scp copies files between hosts on a network. It uses ssh(1) for data transfer, and uses th...
    scp(1): secure copy - Linux man page
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    SCP-087 - YouTube
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  • I'm trying to test some C code that I'm writing. The only issue is that the code n...
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    Why is rsync -avz faster than scp -r? - Super User
  • scp -r local_folder remote_ip:remote_folder 第1个指定了用户名,命令执行后需要输入用户密码; 第2 个没有指定用户名,命令执行后需要输入...
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