screen dump

A copy of the image displayed by a computer screen. Also called screencap, screen capture, screenshot. 2. The act or process of creating such an image.

相關軟體 Greenshot 下載

Greenshot是一套小型的Windows螢幕截圖程式,使用者可以選擇截取全螢幕、視窗或是部分區塊畫面,截取完圖片之後還可以進行簡單的編輯,如對畫面做註解、剪裁等等,也可以透過此軟體截取畫面後,透過E-mail夾帶附件的方式,傳送給對方。 Greenshot可以快速的截取部分或是全螢幕畫面。 ...

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  • On this page I will explain how you can take a screen shot (also called screen dump or sc...
    How to take screen shot, screen dump or screen snapshot or ...
  • On this page I will explain how you can take a screen shot (also called screen dump or scr...
    How to take screen shot, screen dump or screen snapshot or screen ...
  • Define screen dump (noun) and get synonyms. What is screen dump (noun)? screen dump (noun...
    screen dump (noun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan ...
  • Define screen dump (noun) and get synonyms. What is screen dump (noun)? screen dump (noun)...
    screen dump (noun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary
  • A copy of the image displayed by a computer screen. Also called screencap, screen capture...
    Screen dump - definition of screen dump by The Free Dictiona ...
  • A copy of the image displayed by a computer screen. Also called screencap, screen capture,...
    Screen dump - definition of screen dump by The Free Dictionary
  • 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 兩岸對照名詞-計算機, screen dump, 螢幕傾印. 學術名詞 電子計算機名詞, screen dump, 螢幕傾印&n...
    screen dump - 螢幕傾印 - 雙語詞彙 - 國家教育研究院
  • Screen dump definition: → another name for screenshot | Meaning, pronunciation, translati...
    Screen dump definition and meaning | Collins English ...
  • Screen dump definition: → another name for screenshot | Meaning, pronunciation, translatio...
    Screen dump definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
  • Screen dump definition, the act or process of printing or saving the graphical or textual...
    Screen dump | Define Screen dump at
  • Definition of screen dump - the process or an instance of causing what is displayed on a ...
    screen dump | Definition of screen dump in English by Oxford ...
  • screen dump meaning, definition, what is screen dump: a picture of what is on a computer ...
    screen dump | meaning of screen dump in Longman Dictionary ...
  • 屏幕转储(Screen Dump) XDUMP 1 XDUMP 2 控制整个屏幕图象的绘制。如果选择 XDUMP 选项,必须给出文件名。这个文件在Mentat 的外部被处理。 2 ...
    screen dump是什么意思_screen dump的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句 ...
  • 屏幕转储(Screen Dump) XDUMP 1 XDUMP 2 控制整个屏幕图象的绘制。如果选择XDUMP 选项,必须给出文件名。这个文件在Mentat 的外部被处理。 2 主...
    screen dump是什么意思_screen dump的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_ ...
  • A screenshot (or screen grab) is a digital image of what should be visible on a monitor, ...
    Screenshot - Wikipedia
  • Use either keyboard shortcuts or the Snipping Tool to take a screenshot of the whole scre...
    ▷ How to take a screenshot in Windows -