skype chat history

Your conversation history includes all the instant messages you’ve sent to and received from your contacts or groups, as well as details of any calls you've had on Skype. Your conversations are saved on your hard drive for a period of time, which you

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  • 您好 請問一下,我今日安裝了skyhistory的外掛軟體,從中可看出我與每個朋友的對話紀錄,但我想刪除單筆的對話記錄,已刪除了,但為什麼在skype中還是出現呢? 這兩個沒有同步...
    [試用心得] SkypeHistoryViewer § 查看在Skype中的聊天記錄 ...
  • Find a previous Skype for Business conversation by browsing your conversation history or b...
    Find a previous Skype for Business conversation - Skype for Business
  • To back up your Skype for Windows desktop configuration and history files, please go to .....
    How do I back up my configuration and instant message history?
  • How do I manage my conversation history in Skype for Windows desktop? What cloud-based cha...
    How do I delete instant messages in Skype? - Skype Support
  • Your conversations are saved on your hard drive for a period of time, which you can specif...
    How do I manage my conversation history in Skype for Mac?
  • Your conversation history includes all the instant messages you’ve sent to and received fr...
    How do I manage my conversation history in Skype for Mac? ...
  • The chat history exporter in Skype for Windows desktop lets you export your conversation h...
    How do I manage my conversation history in Skype for Windows ...
  • 2017年1月13日 - For 30 days, Skype keeps all of your text-based chats stored in the cloud. I...
    How to Back Up Your Skype Chat History - Laptop Mag
  • There are a number of reasons why you wouldn’t want a record of your chats on the computer...
    How to Clear Skype Chat History - Laptop Mag
  • This tutorial will teach you how to export your Skype chat history. Don't forget to ch...
    How to Export Skype Chat History - YouTube
  • 2015年9月22日 - Type %appdata%-Skype into the Run window and press Enter. Open the folder .....
    How to recover 3 year chat history on Skype - Super User
  • The most important is to understand that it has to be saved previously on purpose. There a...
    How to recover old chat history on Skype - Quora ...
  • So you've gotten a new computer system and you realize that your chat history is oblit...
    How to Recover SKYPE CHAT HISTORY - Windows 10 PC - YouTube
  • SkyHistory is a Skype conversation history manager. Export Skype history, search for Skype...
    SkyHistory – View and Manage Skype Chat History
  • Download SkypeHistoryViewer for free. The JC Group is proud to support Skype History Viewe...
    SkypeHistoryViewer download |
  • Recently covered SkyHistory incorporates a slew of history management features into Skype,...
    View Skype Chat History & Activity On Your PC - Skype Hi ...
  • 2013年8月21日 - Skype profile data (including contacts, chat & voice history, etc...) is...
    Where and how can i view skype logs (Chat and Voice history ...
  • Where and how can I view my skype logs (Chat and Voice history)? Does it get saved somewhe...
    Where and how can i view skype logs (Chat and Voice history) ...
  • 您好 請問一下,我今日安裝了skyhistory的外掛軟體,從中可看出我與每個朋友的對話紀錄,但我想刪除單筆的對話記錄,已刪除了,但為什麼在skype中還是出現呢? 這兩個沒有同步...
    [試用心得] SkypeHistoryViewer § 查看在Skype中的聊天記錄 ...
  • Find a previous Skype for Business conversation by browsing your conversation history or b...
    Find a previous Skype for Business conversation - Skype for Business