speech api microsoft

Microsoft Cognitive Services Microsoft Cognitive Services include a cross-platform REST service that enables a variety of speech capabilities on internet-connected devices. In combination, the Cognitive Services Speech API and the WinRT Speech API ...

相關軟體 Platform Update for Windows 7 下載

The Platform Update for Windows 7 enables improved features and performance on Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. The Platform Update for Windows 7 enables improved features and performanc...

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  • Use the tools, technology, and intelligence behind Bing to jump start growth and create en...
    Bing for Partners helps businesses and developers succeed
  • Convert spoken audio to text. The API can be directed to turn on and recognize audio comin...
    Bing Speech API - Speech Recognition Software | Microsoft Az ...
  • 使用 Microsoft Azure 的 Speech API,將語音辨識加入您的應用程式中,包括文字轉語音。 ... 儲存體 儲存體 儲存體 耐用、具高可用性並可大幅調整的雲端儲...
    Bing Speech API - 語音辨識 | Microsoft Azure
  • The Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1 adds Automation support to the features of the previous versi...
    Download Speech SDK 5.1 from Official Microsoft Download ...
  • Microsoft Cognitive Services Microsoft Cognitive Services include a cross-platform REST se...
    Microsoft Speech - Windows app development
  • Windows Vista includes a new .NET namespace, System.Speech, that allows developers to spee...
    Microsoft Speech API (SAPI) 5.3
  • Microsoft Speech API 5.4 Microsoft Speech API (SAPI) 5.4 This is the documentation for Mic...
    Microsoft Speech API (SAPI) 5.4
  • The Speech Application Programming Interface or SAPI is an API developed by Microsoft to a...
    Microsoft Speech API - Wikipedia
  • With the Bing text to speech API, your application can send HTTP requests to a cloud serve...
    Text to Speech API of Microsoft Speech Service | Microsoft D ...
  • Microsoft Translator Speech API, part of the Microsoft Cognitive Services API collection, ...
    Translator Speech API - Microsoft Translator