sublime theme soda

A follower of my on Twitter said that they were having some trouble installing the Soda Theme for Sublime ...

相關軟體 Sublime Text 2 下載

Sublime Text 2是一套非常好用的程式編輯器。它擁有內建的指令可以讓您在Command Palette(命令面板)中來完成,並且它會將依您輸入的指令自動帶出相關的指令,並支援您自已設定您的命令面板的顯示方式,不管是什麼用法都非常的方便。Sublime Text 2擁有一個重要的特點,就是支援多種Package的安裝,而且沒有限定Package的安裝種類,讓您可以依照您自已的需求,加快您...

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  • soda-theme - Dark and light custom UI themes for Sublime Text Skip to content Features Bus...
    GitHub - buymeasodasoda-theme: Dark and light custom UI the ...
  • A follower of my on Twitter said that they were having some trouble installing the Soda Th...
    Installing the Soda Theme for Sublime Text 2 - YouTube
  • A follower of my on Twitter said that they were having some trouble installing the Soda Th...
    Installing the Soda Theme for Sublime Text 2 - YouTube ...
  • Dark and light custom UI themes for Sublime Text.
    Soda Theme - Dark and light custom UI themes for Sublime Tex ...
  • Soda themes for Sublime Text 3 with sidebar icons. Contribute to sublime3-soda-theme-with-...
    Soda themes for Sublime Text 3 with sidebar icons - GitHub
  • Dark and light custom UI themes for Sublime Text. Contribute to soda-theme development by ...
    soda-theme Sublime Text - GitHub
  • 2012年2月25日 - 將Sublime2的Theme更換為Soda Theme之後,是不是覺得變得亮眼不少呢? ... 而如果是使用「Soda Dark.sublime-th...
    Sublime Text 2 - 好用的前端程式編輯器Part.4 更換主題(Theme)
  • Sublime Text 2-3主题:Theme – Soda及字体配置,本能的网易博客,如果我知道去哪里,世界也会为我让路, 网易 新闻 LOFTER 邮箱 相册 阅读 图书 有...
    Sublime Text 2-3主题:Theme – Soda及字体配置 - 本能的日志 - ...
  • 安裝:. 可以通過Package Control來安裝:搜索theme-soda。 用戶配置:. sublime text 2: { "theme": &quo...
    sublime text 3經典顏色主題-Soda - 壹讀
  • 1、soda皮肤下载地址: 2、安装打开sublime text2 -> Preference...
    Sublime Text2主题Theme - Soda及字体配置 | DBPOO'S BLOG ...
  • I installed the Soda Theme on Sublime Text 3 on OSX and I was wondering where are the actu...
    sublimetext2 - How to edit Sublime Text 3 Soda Theme - Stack ...
  • Soda theme is designed to work with the latest development builds of Sublime Text, includi...
    Theme - Soda - Packages - Package Control
  • Soda SolarizedDark Theme. Dark custom UI themes for Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3. Pro...
    Theme - Soda SolarizedDark - Packages - Package Control
  • Dark and light custom UI themes for Sublime Text 3 optimized for better readability. The t...
    Theme - SoDaReloaded - Packages - Package Control
  • Soda Theme. Dark and light custom UI themes for Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3. Project...
    Theme - Sodarized - Packages - Package Control
  • Sublime Text makes it easy to extend and customise an existing theme without the need to d...
    Theme customisation · buymeasodasoda-theme Wiki · GitHub ...
  • 自从用上了sublime写代码,主题风格就一直是默认的那款,纯黑的,时间短的话还觉得蛮酷的,但是日子一长,尤其是晚上写代码的适合,黑漆漆的一片,审美疲劳啊,所以这次就换了soda ...
    给自己的Sublime Text换上Soda Theme主题后清爽了好多 - yangbai ...
  • 2015年7月24日 - 自从用上了sublime写代码,主题风格就一直是默认的那款,纯黑的,时间短的话还觉得蛮酷的,但是日子一长,尤其是晚上写代码的适合,黑漆漆的 ....
    给自己的Sublime Text换上Soda Theme主题后清爽了好多- yangbai ...