svchost cpu 25

As soon as i log in the CPU usage goes to 25% I've got quad core processor so it is taking up an entire core. Task manager is telling me svchost.exe is constantly running at 25%, ...

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Process Lasso是一款系統優化工具。它可以將各種運行中的程式設定合理的優先順序,進而達到減輕系統負擔的效果,可以避免藍屏、程式沒有回應、cpu佔用的狀況。適用於普通電腦使用者以及專業的資訊工作環境。 可脫離使用者介面單獨運行 ...

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  • For some time now I have been noticing that one of my svchost.exe was constantly taking 25...
    windows 7 - svchost.exe taking 25% cpu - Super User ...
  • Hello everyone,Every time I am launching the Windows 7 OS I have a little problem with SVC...
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  • So i just noticed it that at random times svchost.exe (netsvcs) uses 25% of my cpu. I rest...
    svchost.exe (netsvcs) using 25% of my cpu - [Solved] - ...
  • Windows 7: svchost.exe (netsvcs) at 25% cpu usage. Windows update impossible. - posted in ...
    Windows 7: svchost.exe (netsvcs) at 25% cpu usage. Windows ...
  • As soon as i log in the CPU usage goes to 25% I've got quad core processor so it is ta...
    CPU Usge 25% svchost.exe - Windows 7 Help Forums ...
  • This guide contains detailed instructions on how to fix svchost.exe memory leak or high CP...
    How to fix: Svchost.exe (netsvcs) memory leak or high CPU us ...
  • Currently on Windows Vista Home Premium, having trouble with SVCHOST.exe using up constant...
    SVCHOST.exe Trouble: Using Up 25% of My CPU - ...
  • Occasionally after windows automatically updates, my laptop will restart with abnormally h...
    Abnormally high CPU usage from svchost.exe [SOLVED] - ...
  • Win7系统 强行关闭貌似无影响。 通过 TASKLIST -SVC 查看是红色的那个: alg.exe 3484 ALG USBKeyTools.exe 3644 暂缺 vmwa...
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  • sxc55660211 wrote: 我之前是用32位元的...(恕刪) 最簡單得方法就使把吃最多CPU的svchost.exe結束處理程序,至少在下次重開機前都是正常的。 我的電...
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