swift google drive api

I am struggling to get the Google Drive API to work with Swift, and hoping someone has a suggestion. Here is where I am at so far: I have the Google Drive API installed and working in an Objective-C ...

相關軟體 Google Drive 下載

Google Drive is a place where you can create, share, collaborate, and keep all of your stuff. Whether you’re working with a friend on a joint research project, planning a wedding with your fiancé or t...

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  • Every request your application sends to the Drive API must include an authorization token....
    About Authorization | Drive REST API | Google Developers
  • I am struggling to get the Google Drive API to work with Swift, and hoping someone has a s...
    Bridge Google Drive API to Swift – CODE ...
  • Hi, following step-by-step Google's "Drive API for iOS"-example (shown here ...
    Code Signing Error with iOS-9.2.1 and Google-Drive-API (in S ...
  • The Drive platform gives you a group of APIs along with client libraries, language-specifi...
    Drive REST API - Google Developers
  • Google Drive and Android, even better together With Drive now part of Android, integrating...
    Drive | Google Developers
  • To get started integrating with the Drive UI, you need to enable the Drive API and provide...
    Enable the Drive Platform | Drive REST API | Google Developers
  • This is an example of integration of Google Drive API for iOS. The method implemented insi...
    GitHub - baby03201iOS-Swift-GoogleDriveSample
  • of the files I get from Google Drive is nil, so what can I do to get thumbnails of images ...
    Google Drive API v3 for iOS : How to get thumbnails? (Swift) ...
  • The Drive REST API lets you create web apps that access files stored in Google Drive. Goog...
    Google Drive REST API Overview | Drive REST API | Google Dev ...
  • ... the device camera and the Google Drive API to take pictures and automaticall. ... Goog...
    Google Drive SDK: Writing your first Drive app on iOS - YouTube
  • I have an application written in Swift which already uses the SwiftyDropbox API. I install...
    How to add Google Drive API in Swift iOS Application? - ...
  • 2016年1月25日 - Just looked into the repo, it had an update last Jan 13 that may have affect...
    How to add Google Drive API in Swift iOS Application? - Stack Overflow
  • 2015年7月26日 - authForGoogleFromKeychainForName("Drive API", clientID: ... I thre...
    ios - Bridge Google Drive API to Swift - Stack Overflow
  • From a previously removed post: I am struggling to get the Google Drive API to work with S...
    ios - Bridge Google Drive API to Swift - Stack Overflow ...
  • Swift. Complete the steps described in the rest of this page, and in about five minutes yo...
    iOS Quickstart | Drive REST API | Google Developers
  • Navigate to APIs & auth\APIs, then click Google Apps APIs\Drive API. On the ne...
    OAuth 2.0 with Swift Tutorial - Ray Wenderlich
  • An app registered with the Import option enabled in the Drive UI Integration tab within th...
    Open Files | Drive REST API | Google Developers
  • Recently I am planning to integrate the Google Drive function into my app. Meanwhile, I ha...
    Swift notes – Google Drive API Library integration for iOS – ...
  • 2015年4月9日 - Recently I am planning to integrate the Google Drive function into my app. Me...
    Swift notes – Google Drive API Library integration for iOS – Hui Qin ...