synology tomcat 7 default password

synology tomcat 7 default password

I installed Tomcat 7 on Synology DS414. I cannot find any info on how to set it up and get it running. The NAS comes with a Web server app, and that is the one serving up its ...

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  • 2014年9月7日 - ... <user username="user" password="password" roles=&q...
    How to set up Tomcat 7 on Synology - Stack Overflow
  • I installed Tomcat 7 on Synology DS414. I cannot find any info on how to set it up and get...
    How to set up Tomcat 7 on Synology - Stack Overflow ...
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  • In Tomcat 7 the roles have changed. The new roles are as follows: * manager-gui: allows ac...
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    修改tomcat 7的管理者帳號及密碼 - Cedric's 學習備忘錄 - 痞客邦PIXNET