t/t 30 days after shipment

t/t 30 days after shipment

A TT payment stands for telegraphic transfer or wire/swift transfer which is the cheapest and fastest. It is a legal way of remitting money overseas through any bank with Forex facility. T/T is just a payment method, but not payment term, so when you disc

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  • 國外客人付款terms of payment, Net 30 days和T/T 30天,各有什麼區别和風險呢??這兩種付款方式哪種風險小點? ... TT WITH IN 30DA...
    國外客人付款terms of payment, Net 30 days和TT 30天,各有什 ...
  • t/t 30 days after shipment是什么意思? 英语 贸易 09-09-25 香锅茶树菇 发布 3个回答 时间 投票 0 naqinga 托运人必须告知买方装运电...
    tt 30 days after shipment是什么意思?_英语_贸易_天涯问答_天 ...
  • By 30% T/T down payment and 70% T/T balance payment shall be paid within 7 days after the ...
    TT付款條件 | Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • 公司最近更改了payment term為貨到後六十天付款(公司付款方式都是T/T) 意即貨從美國運到台灣後,才開始起算六十天 請問這樣我的英文payment term該怎麼寫呢? ...
    [付款] 請問貨到付款的payment term要怎麼寫? - 看板 intltrade ...
  • A TT payment stands for telegraphic transfer or wire/swift transfer which is the cheapest ...
    What the meaning of TT in terms of payment?
  • 至急.. T/T after 60 days 的意思是 \"月結\" 60天電匯 或 \"次月結\" 60天...
    TT after 60 days是月結60天或次月結 | Yahoo奇摩知識+ ...
  • t/t 30 days after shipment是什么意思?1 due 30 days from eom 是什么意思1 you must register your softw...
    tt 30 days和 NET 30 days的意思一样吗 ? _外语_百科_天涯问答 ...
  • 求翻译:Within 30 days after the date(s) of shipment(s) but within the validity of the credit ...
    Within 30 days after the date(s) of shipment(s) but within t ...
  • (KudoZ) English translation of fromdate ofshipment: 30 days after shipment [net 30 days fr...
    30 from date of shipment > 30 days after shipment ...
  • t/t 30 days after shipment是的! ... 等待您来回答 2回答 有人火车卧轨司机会受到什么样的处罚? 2回答 笔记本电脑如果用无线网卡。那是不是就不用连往...
    tt 30 days after shipment_百度知道 - 百度知道 - 全球最大中 ...