vim background color

vim colors FAQ: Can you provide details on how to control/configure colors in the vim editor (i.e., vim color settings)? When using vim syntax highlighting, a common complaint is that the default color scheme is a little too bold. In this article I'll

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Vim是一個功能強大的文書編輯器,它應用範圍非常廣泛,可由使用者設計成屬於自已獨特風格的編輯利器。它提供了 Unix, Windows, Mac, OS/2等多種作業系統的版本,讓您在不同的作業系統上保有您習慣的文字編輯工具。 multi level undo 復原且不限於前一個動作。 ...

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  • When 'background' is set Vim will adjust the default color groups for the new valu...
    colorscheme - What does :set background=dark do? - Vi and Vim ...
  • vim colors FAQ: Can you provide details on how to control/configure colors in the vim edit...
    How to controlconfigure vim colors |
  • Is it possible, to just change the background color between 2 color (light grey and dark g...
    linux - Changing Vim background color - and not text color - Stack ...
  • set background does not change the background, but tells vim whether your background is da...
    linux - Setting background color in gvim - Super User ...
  • 2009年7月13日 - As vim's own help on set background says, "Setting this option does...
    linux - Setting the VIM background colors - Stack Overflow
  • When I try to change the background colors in .vimrc or directly in vim using the command:...
    linux - Setting the VIM background colors - Stack Overflow ...
  • 2016年5月4日 - The terminal when opened in vim has a whitish background which wasn't the...
    linux - Vim background colors - Stack Overflow
  • While choosing colors in gvim is very easy, done by a single :colorscheme some-name comman...
    Script for choosing vim background color | Vim Tips Wiki | ...
  • script name : vim_bg_color_test.vim " " dedicated to choose a background color i...
    Script for choosing vim background color | Vim Tips Wiki | FANDOM ...
  • Okay, I'm rather new to vim. I couldn't figure out how to change background colors...
    vim - Changing background colors - Stack Overflow
  • I am forced to run this in my vim editor everytime I work. highlight Normal ctermfg=grey c...
    vim - I want to add background color to vimrc but it's ...
  • 2013年4月6日 - If you make the changes permanently that you did in Vim then you have to writ...
    vim - I want to add background color to vimrc but it's not working - Ask ...
  • For some strange reason you have chosen to have a black background color on your monitor o...
    VIM - set background={light,dark} automatically based on ...
  • We want VIM on the server we are ssh'ing to and sudo'ing, to read/detect our termi...
    VIM - set background={light,dark} automatically based on terminal ...
  • 2010年12月1日 - set t_Co=256 set background=dark colorscheme mustang highlight Normal ... So...
    vim colorschemes not changing background color - Stack Overflow
  • I am using vim 7.4.52 in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.My vim background color is darkblue. I set this ...
    vimrc - how to change vim background color in hex code or ...
  • 2016年9月30日 - To set the background (and foreground) to some explicit color, you probably ...
    vimrc - how to change vim background color in hex code or rgb color ...
  • I am connecting through putty and i am using vim editor in putty and writing program in pe...
    windows - How to change Vi editor background - Super User ...
  • OK, I realize this more of vim question than an Ubuntu one but figured this would make mor...
    [ubuntu] vim - how to change the background color? ...